- 1). Board a zeppelin to the Undercity at a zeppelin dock in Orgimmar or Vengeance Landing or right click on the Undercity portal in Dalaran or Shattrath City.
- 2). Locate the red Orb of Translocation in the Ruins of Lordaeron, the courtyard directly above the Undercity. Right click on the orb to instantly teleport to Silvermoon City.
- 3). Exit Silvermoon City through the gates on the south side and turn right at the first fork in the path. Follow the path south and go left at the second fork. Continue to follow the path south until you reach the Ghostlands border.
- 4). Horde players should continue to follow the path south through the Ghostlands to the Tranquillien quest hub and speak to the flight master to add the Ghostlands point to their flight network. Players who have mapped the Ghostlands flight point can use the flight network to return directly to the Ghostlands at any time in the future.