- 1). Install a standard birdbath in your yard. Either purchase a commercial birdbath or make your own: Use Super Glue to attach the bottom of a large, shallow bowl to the top of a pipe cap and wait for the glue to dry. Drive the pipe 2 feet into the ground with a fence post driver, and screw the cap/bowl to the top. If using a commercial birdbath, install it in an open area away from trees to eliminate predators.
- 2). Fill the birdbath with fresh water and refill it daily.
- 3). Install a mister attachment to the side of the birdbath. Misters are available from home and garden stores. Follow the instructions that come with the mister to determine how to install it to your birdbath. With many misters, you can simply hang the attached hooks over the side of the birdbath and screw the included hose attachment to your faucet or garden hose.
- 4). Turn your outdoor faucet on to activate the mister. Turn the faucet off at night, in cold weather, when it's raining or whenever hummingbirds aren't active.