According to an American Customer Satisfaction Index report in 2007, Yahoo! is a more popular search engine than Google, despite Google's continued domination in terms of sheer number of searches.
(Nielsen NetRatings from 2006 indicate that 49.
2% of searches occurred in Google as opposed to 23.
8% in Yahoo.
) So it seems that even though people may prefer Yahoo!, far more actually use Google.
I'm a Google girl, myself.
Google everything.
Google maps.
Google images.
I love it all.
I have a Google sticker on my kitchen window that I let people believe was there when I moved in.
It wasn't.
I put it there.
I'm not even a "supporter" type.
I don't flash bumper stickers with my beliefs or political leanings.
I'm not a persuader, debater or instigator.
I don't express an extreme like or dislike for much of anything, really.
But I'll be damned if I don't love Google and judge harshly those who do not.
It's not that I think Yahoo! or MSN are unsatisfactory.
I just think Google is the best.
It's like having a favorite ice cream.
No ice cream, in my opinion, is truly revolting, but they can't all be Mayfield's Extreme Moose tracks.
You follow? Personal opinion aside, Google's customer satisfaction ranking has been on a steady decline since 2002, moving from a score of 80 to 78 (out of 100) over five years.
Yahoo!, on the other hand, is on the rise, jumping from 74 to 79 over seven years.
Read more about ACSI's 2007 report, and voice your opinion on your favorite search engine.
(Nielsen NetRatings from 2006 indicate that 49.
2% of searches occurred in Google as opposed to 23.
8% in Yahoo.
) So it seems that even though people may prefer Yahoo!, far more actually use Google.
I'm a Google girl, myself.
Google everything.
Google maps.
Google images.
I love it all.
I have a Google sticker on my kitchen window that I let people believe was there when I moved in.
It wasn't.
I put it there.
I'm not even a "supporter" type.
I don't flash bumper stickers with my beliefs or political leanings.
I'm not a persuader, debater or instigator.
I don't express an extreme like or dislike for much of anything, really.
But I'll be damned if I don't love Google and judge harshly those who do not.
It's not that I think Yahoo! or MSN are unsatisfactory.
I just think Google is the best.
It's like having a favorite ice cream.
No ice cream, in my opinion, is truly revolting, but they can't all be Mayfield's Extreme Moose tracks.
You follow? Personal opinion aside, Google's customer satisfaction ranking has been on a steady decline since 2002, moving from a score of 80 to 78 (out of 100) over five years.
Yahoo!, on the other hand, is on the rise, jumping from 74 to 79 over seven years.
Read more about ACSI's 2007 report, and voice your opinion on your favorite search engine.