Health & Medical Mental Health

The Practitioner"s Mind

My students have asked me many times why I love cranial sacral therapy, sometimes spelled craniosacral therapy? And my answer is always, "its who you have to become, in order to be able to hold sacred space".
It's the classic, healer heal thyself.
I'll share this with you, once you have felt the Presence of the Long Tide, your life will be forever changed! Oh yes, many of your patients come to you with a vast assortment of painful conditions we humans suffer through.
And dealing with their pain and suffering is the most challenging aspect of being a cranial sacral therapist.
So, the beauty and intrinsic value of the Biodynamic Cranial path, is learning to observe the process in your clients while riding the cranial wave free from obtaining a goal.
That is the paramount hurdle for us, and in this action of not having to know, that we begin to free ourselves of ego and allow the Divine Ordering Principle to do what it does best, heal itself! We need only to be grateful for being allowed to witness the magnificence of it.
As our sensitivity increases, it is of paramount importance not identify with being someone special.
We have to get "behind the curtain" as the founder of craniosacral therapy, William Garner Sutherland taught us.
Then we begin to use your breath as a tool of transformation, which ushers us through the transitions of deeper changes within ourselves, like a magic carpet ride, creating a clearer reflection for our patients homeostatic responses.
You move with the tides that are driven by the semi-closed hydraulic mechanism innate to all of us, riding their waves into the state of Stillness, where all motion flows from The Source.
But, in the beginning, we always start the healing process with goals.
And of course this creates an environment that has a sense of inflexibility.
"Well, my patient/client has come to me because they have a headache, therefore I should or could do this".
It's a busy approach.
It contains a subtle sense of urgency or need to accomplish something.
To feel good about ourselves.
You know, being accomplished at something.
Putting labels on things is not the final place of this work.
Can you look at and tangibly hold space, the space that seethes with matter? Have you ever been taught to hold and listen to the Field? Have you found the off button?
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