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Natural Childbirth - 5 Tips to Help You Achieve a Drug-Free Delivery

Be comfortable in your surroundings
Make sure that wherever you choose to have your baby, it is a place that supports natural birth, and a place where you will be comfortable and at ease.
This is different for everyone and could be at home, in a birth centre, in a hospital, or somewhere else.
You might like to spread cushions on the floor and light candles, you might like to listen to rock music in the bath! The most important thing is that you feel happy, safe and comfortable to completely let go, with nothing to distract or worry you.
Choose a healthcare provider who supports normal birth and minimal intervention.
You will need a midwife who is completely supportive, so make your wishes for a normal birth clear, well in advance.
Explain that you would like to move around freely during the birth and make sure your midwife is happy with this.
Request that during the birth, the baby's heartbeat be monitored intermittently instead of constantly.
This way you are not constrained by wires and machines etc.
and you are free to move around as you wish.
Also explain that you would like medical intervention only as a last resort.
If it turns out that medical interventions are needed during the birth, they can often be adapted for use in upright positions, so perhaps you can discuss this with your midwife too.
You will probably find that he/she is very encouraging and helpful.
Trust Your Body
Do not request or agree to an induction of labour unless there is a valid medical reason for doing so.
If you wish to give birth naturally and with the least chance of complications it is important to take your cues from your body, not from the clock, or the date or the midwife.
Allow your body to go into labour naturally.
This is the first sign that your baby is ready to be born.
In this day and age we understand, question and control so much that goes on in our busy lives, that it can be difficult to switch off and let instinct take over.
Help your body during labour by allowing your mind to take a 'back seat' for a change.
Don't question the process, just allow it to happen.
Do this by focusing on your breath and listening to your body and your instincts.
Let your labour find it's own pace and rhythm.
Don't be afraid.
Remember that your body is perfectly designed to give birth to a baby and intrinsically knows what to do.
Trust in this.
Move Freely
Allow yourself to move and change positions whenever you feel you want to.
You might want to stand and walk, or squat or kneel.
Feel free to do whatever makes you most comfortable during contractions and while resting in-between them.
Your breathing will become deeper and more spontaneous.
Use the long exhale breath to release pain as it arises and help you to cope more easily with the intensity.
The best positions are upright ones, where gravity is on your side.
Chairs, cushions, beanbags or birth balls can all help to support you more comfortably.
Try sitting upright on a chair leaning forward, kneeling on all fours over a ball or stool or standing and walking.
Most importantly, don't give birth lying on your back! This is by far the least advantageous position - working against gravity and reducing the space within the pelvis making it more difficult for the baby to come through.
Skin to Skin
Keep your newborn baby close to you for as long as possible.
These are your first wonderful moments with your precious little one.
Sit upright and hold your baby skin to skin to help regulate their heartbeat and keep them warm.
Allow your baby contact with the breast.
Request that the umbilical cord be left intact until it has stopped pulsating (all the oxygen has gone into your baby).
There is no rush to cut the cord, and waiting a few moments will ensure that all the oxygen-rich blood from the placenta goes into your baby and helps to make the transition from womb to air much easier.
While you are breastfeeding for the first time, gravity will be helping your placenta to separate and your uterus to contract down efficiently to prevent excessive blood loss.
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