Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

Heirloom Quilts Can Tell A Story

One one looks at a quilt they may envision lots of women sitting around gossiping while stitching quilt pieces together. These groups have been around for centuries and have produced many quilts that have provided beauty and comfort to its recipient. Many quilts have been produced to be durable and functional, however many were made for special occasions and were often creative and beautiful. Pieces such as these were often known and referred to as heirloom quilts.

Those wanting to create something warm, useful, or durable generally chose any cloth that happened to be on hand. This was often taken from clothing in the household that was no longer used or needed. It was cut into a simple pattern and sewn together. Once done, the top and bottom would be bound together using some type of colorful yarn or string. Those that were made for something special generally had special cotton fabric chosen for the color or design or pattern that was on it.

As a rule, heirloom quilts are normally custom designed and have dense, intricate quilting which is done either by hand or machine. If a sewing machine is used for the quilting, it is done with free hand motion and is normally as intricate as the hand quilting is. Although techniques may vary slightly with each individual, this art is perfected over time.

There is an entire industry of quilters who some refer to as crafters while others consider themselves artists. Certainly, if one viewed the various pieces that have been intricately and lovingly produced, there would be no denying it. The hours that are painstakingly put into a piece is certainly worthy to be considered art and displayed as such. In fact, there are many museums that display these works of art located throughout the world.

One can find almost everything, from traditional patterns to abstracts that have been created. These works can rival anything displayed at the finest art galleries throughout the world. These pieces are more than the average craft project, instead they are fabric or textile artists that have truly mastered the art of quilting and produced pieces that should be enjoyed by all.

Heirloom quilts fall into this category, however they are generally kept in the family for generations instead of being put on display in a museum. These are more commonly traditional patterns that are handmade and intricate in their design. They can include pieces of fabric from various persons that played a role in the creators life.

Regardless of the story one may tell or the pattern that is created, collectors of these items have their tastes when choosing them. They may opt for one that has not only been carefully crafted, but one that also been carefully preserved over many years. They may look for a particular design, color, or pattern. They may simply look for one that jumps out at them or reminds them of something in their own lives.

Quilters can lovingly design heirloom quilts for their own families to enjoy. This can include items taken from members of their family and used in the design. Regardless of who creates it, these beautiful items will be loved and cherished for many generations to come.
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