1954, 4 December
Ghanaian government breaks off diplomatic relations with Belgium.
1981, 4 December
Ciskei is the fourth South African Bantustan to be granted independence. Chief Lennox Sebe becomes its first elected president.
1992, 4 December
US President George Bush prepares to send 28,000 US Marines into Somali to stop Somali warlords from confiscating food shipments.
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Ghanaian government breaks off diplomatic relations with Belgium.
1981, 4 December
Ciskei is the fourth South African Bantustan to be granted independence. Chief Lennox Sebe becomes its first elected president.
1992, 4 December
US President George Bush prepares to send 28,000 US Marines into Somali to stop Somali warlords from confiscating food shipments.
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