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Healthcare reform includes plans to consolidate patients' medical records and health records into a searchable database, accessible anywhere in the world. Previously, data has been a haphazard affair, with doctor's offices keeping written notes and non-computer-generated information strictly in-house, not able to be shared with other service providers or online doctors without written permission and physical, paper copies being made. Online doctors would never have had access to these records in the past, nor would a patient be able to share salient medical information with online prescription dispensaries. A national database with patients' needs and conditions has been in the works for years, finally coming to a Presidential mandate in 2009, with President Obama calling for a system of electronic health records by 2014.
With health care reform legislation and reviews underway, the entire process of collecting and sharing patient databases is being brought under the lens of the 21st century. Medical records (legal documents made by separate physicians, hospitals, caregivers, etc.) and health records ("timelines" of care given over any given course of treatment) are being brought up to date by making them electronically recorded and entered into a central database clearinghouse. This information is then accessible by anyone with authorization, as defined by very strict, clearly worded HIPAA standards and guidelines. As with any fledgling system, however, especially one run by an obviously beleaguered bureaucracy, privacy issues will have to be addressed as they come up, with some growing pains to be expected.
The pluses include however, the fact that databases are capable now of offering added functionality for online prescriptions and online doctors, or your local family practitioner or clinician, in the form of interactive alerts and flowcharts, customized sets of orders and internal notes to be shared physician-to-specialist that were not formerly possible with paper. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) can be shared with hospitals in different states or countries, without having to recreate every pertinent online doctor or hospital visit you may have had, or have you trying to remember every detail of visits when you are impaired or unable to remember. Electronic records ensure that no notes are missed, and nothing pertinent will be missing if you get an online prescription, or seek the advice of an online doctor. You simply sign an electronic "permission slip," and your entire medical history will be available to whomever you grant access.
In an age where doctors' hours are consumed by paperwork, electronic data recording means fewer hours on paperwork and more hours available for direct patient care. Immunizations, laboratory work results, past medical history, vital signs, previous medications, progress notes, patients' demographic information, radiology reports, surgical notes and any other relevant medical data can soon be accessed by caregivers anywhere you may be, with access to a database that contains your entire medical history. As soon as you see an online doctor, all the information garnered from that visit will be entered and available to specialists or consulting physicians, with no lag-time or need for paper copies to be made and delivered.  This ensures that you receive your correct online prescription in a timely manner.
Get an Online Prescription from an Online Doctor at www.KoolDocs.com. Your #1 Source for online medical consultations and a Prescription Online.
Healthcare reform includes plans to consolidate patients' medical records and health records into a searchable database, accessible anywhere in the world. Previously, data has been a haphazard affair, with doctor's offices keeping written notes and non-computer-generated information strictly in-house, not able to be shared with other service providers or online doctors without written permission and physical, paper copies being made. Online doctors would never have had access to these records in the past, nor would a patient be able to share salient medical information with online prescription dispensaries. A national database with patients' needs and conditions has been in the works for years, finally coming to a Presidential mandate in 2009, with President Obama calling for a system of electronic health records by 2014.
With health care reform legislation and reviews underway, the entire process of collecting and sharing patient databases is being brought under the lens of the 21st century. Medical records (legal documents made by separate physicians, hospitals, caregivers, etc.) and health records ("timelines" of care given over any given course of treatment) are being brought up to date by making them electronically recorded and entered into a central database clearinghouse. This information is then accessible by anyone with authorization, as defined by very strict, clearly worded HIPAA standards and guidelines. As with any fledgling system, however, especially one run by an obviously beleaguered bureaucracy, privacy issues will have to be addressed as they come up, with some growing pains to be expected.
The pluses include however, the fact that databases are capable now of offering added functionality for online prescriptions and online doctors, or your local family practitioner or clinician, in the form of interactive alerts and flowcharts, customized sets of orders and internal notes to be shared physician-to-specialist that were not formerly possible with paper. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) can be shared with hospitals in different states or countries, without having to recreate every pertinent online doctor or hospital visit you may have had, or have you trying to remember every detail of visits when you are impaired or unable to remember. Electronic records ensure that no notes are missed, and nothing pertinent will be missing if you get an online prescription, or seek the advice of an online doctor. You simply sign an electronic "permission slip," and your entire medical history will be available to whomever you grant access.
In an age where doctors' hours are consumed by paperwork, electronic data recording means fewer hours on paperwork and more hours available for direct patient care. Immunizations, laboratory work results, past medical history, vital signs, previous medications, progress notes, patients' demographic information, radiology reports, surgical notes and any other relevant medical data can soon be accessed by caregivers anywhere you may be, with access to a database that contains your entire medical history. As soon as you see an online doctor, all the information garnered from that visit will be entered and available to specialists or consulting physicians, with no lag-time or need for paper copies to be made and delivered.  This ensures that you receive your correct online prescription in a timely manner.
Get an Online Prescription from an Online Doctor at www.KoolDocs.com. Your #1 Source for online medical consultations and a Prescription Online.