- office 2 image by Omely from Fotolia.com
Safety is one of the most important considerations at any workplace. Almost every job has some element of potential danger, from falling off a building during high-rise construction or even electrocution from office equipment or fire hazards. Teaching your employees safety in the workplace is much simpler if you make it fun with safety games. - Bingo is a popular game especially when it comes to low-risk gambling. The rules for bingo are simple: Each player gets a bingo card, which is a grid with five vertical and horizontal squares. The bingo leader calls out a number and letter and players place a token on the square if it matches the number and letter. Once you have a straight line of five vertical, horizontal or diagonally you have a bingo and you've won. Instead of numbers and letters, put safety phrases on each square. These can be general such as "respect others' personal space" to specific like "always wear safety goggles" or "never open up the fax machine electronics." These safety phrases will be drilled into your employees' heads as they play. Give small cash prizes or gifts to each winner.
- Jeopardy is one of the most successful, well recognized and imitated game shows in the world. Game play is reversed from most quiz games: Instead of giving the answer to a question you are giving the question to an answer. Test your employees' safety knowledge by creating a Safety Jeopardy tournament. Create a series of work related safety questions and write the answers down on a grid. For example, one answer could be "Blade down, to avoid cutting anybody else" while the question is "What is the correct way to hold a knife?" Split the employees into two teams. Give each a small bell or buzzer to ring when they want to guess. Place a card with a number value from 100-500 on each question card. The harder answers should be placed under the most money. Whoever wins should get a small gift or monetary reward.
- Keeping your employees' morale up can help avoid negative energy and low work interest, which may result in employee carelessness. Carelessness can lead to employee accidents. Avoid these accidents by keeping employees morale high with fun games. Schedule one day a month as "silly hat" day. Everyone should wear strange hats and an office-wide poll can decide the silliest, the ugliest, the tallest, the widest and many other silly awards. Have a joke contest. Each employee must come up with their own silly, witty joke. Throughout the day, everyone should tell each other their joke and at the end of the day everyone can vote on the best joke. Employee Olympics can help get the blood flowing and get your heart pumping faster. This boosts adrenaline which can also help improve overall mood and morale.
Morale Boosting