Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Security Cameras - Surveillance Camera Equipment Checklist

The security market is exploding.
It seems that every night there is a news broadcast of some terrible break and enter or murder.
The next day, the phones ring off the hook in the offices of companies that sell security cameras.
This is understandable since we are afloat in an ocean of crime, many of them vicious and violent.
The moment you start looking around for technology to keep you, your loved ones and your property safe you hit a brick wall.
Unless you are a techie, you quickly find yourself adrift in a sea of jargon about surveillance cameras equipment that you don't understand and options you haven't a clue how to judge.
While I cannot cover everything involved in this article, I will give you a checklist of things to make sure to get,some things that are just nice, but not necessary and others that are downright useless.
The best advice I can give you right off the bat is for you to find someone you know who has gotten a security cameras system installed.
They can help you with ideas and helpful hints, but the greatest thing they can do for you is make a recommendation about the company they bought their system from.
If they say they would buy again from the same company, you have found pure gold.
There are many scam artists out there who will sell you a system and install it.
You might not find out until after it's too late that it doesn't work well, doesn't give you the protection promised or no protection at all.
There are two types of systems.
The first system involves a series of hidden video cameras.
Bear in mind that these systems have never stopped one crime! They are terrific for what they do, but all they do is video a crime in progress.
It is small consolation to know that your murder will be well documented for the police.
The other is a system where all the cameras are highly visible.
There is no doubt about what they are and what they are for.
These are the ones that tell any would-be criminal to smile because they are on surveillance camera! This is a great deterrent to crime.
They know without a doubt that they will be videoed.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this evidence is iron clad in court.
Here is your checklist for the high visibility surveillance cameras equipment system:
  • It it hard wired or wireless? This will have a great impact on the cost of the finished product.
    A wireless system is basically plug and play.
    A wired system takes special crimpers and cable.
  • If there are dark areas that you want covered, make sure that the system has night vision cameras included to cover those areas.
  • Does the system include outdoor, weatherproof cameras? These are a lot more expensive than the indoor ones.
  • If the system is wireless, get your hands on one of those cheap baby monitors and use it as an experiment.
    If they will transmit along the path you want your camera signal to cover, you'll be alright.
    If there are electric motors, noisy light fixtures or other sources of electrical noise along the way, the monitors will be noisy or won't transmit at all.
    Neither will your wireless system.
  • What frequency does the wireless system operate at? The lower the frequency, the better the signal penetrates obstacles.
This checklist will give you a great head start in your quest for a security cameras system.
There are many other factors.
The best piece of advice is to get a referral from a satisfied person you trust.
The second best piece of advice is to follow this check list.
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