Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Man, Smoking Is Lame

Smoking is one of the most common bad habits that people get into, next to the over consumption of alcohol.
However, quitting the habit is not as simple as getting into it, and requires strong determination on your part.
If you are determined that you want to stop smoking, then half your battle is already most won.
The first step is to constantly remind yourself that you can do it.
Here are 5 things you can do that will assist you with quitting smoking: 1.
Drink plenty of fluids everyday:
You may drink 8-10 glasses of water or about 2-3 glasses of juice.
This would help wash out all the nicotine from your body.
Avoid having tea, coffee or alcohol:
These beverages are known to increase the urge to have a cigarette.
Make sure you avoid these for a few weeks or months after you quit smoking to avoid a relapse to the habit.
Regulate your diet:
Your metabolism is likely to slow down after you stop smoking.
This is due to the void created when nicotine is completely taken away from your body.
It is important that you avoid having food high in calories to prevent a sudden weight gain.
Get involve in a physical activity:
This could be an exercise routine or maybe a yoga or dance class.
The idea is to get busy doing something constructive and healthy rather than going back to smoking.
After a while your body will get conditioned to the new routine and help your stop you from thinking about smoking.
Get Support:
Although you can go it alone, however quitting such a habit may not be possible all by yourself.
Discuss this with your friends or family and ask for support.
You may even seek professional help if you have been thinking of quitting for a long time, such as hypnosis.
Just as your body becomes accustomed to smoking and started urging your brain to puff on that cigarette, it is possible to reverse the entire process.
Remember, once your body gets used to not smoking, your battle is almost won.
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