Business & Finance Corporations

Are You Considering Starting a New Home Business - How to Pick a Winner Without Making a Mistake!

There are three types of business in this world.
Ones that sell products to other existing businesses.
This is called B2B or business to business sales.
They don't sell to households or individuals.
This type of business is normally a service that is designed to increase another businesses sales or productivity.
Normally these opportunities are limited to one specialized field or product.
Next is the business to consumer model.
These make up all of the health and nutrition product home businesses, or other consumer products like communication services etc.
Sometimes the products can be sold to small individual business owners but for the most part they can't compete with the corporate pricing that larger companies get.
These companies sell 99% of their products to individual households.
The last is the business to consumer plus businesses model.
This one obviously has appeal to anyone no matter if they have a business or not.
These products can be sold to anyone and generally have a use for both the consumer and the business owner.
These are rare but they are extremely lucrative because of the versatility of who can actually use the product.
 Some examples of these are video email products, video on websites, prepaid legal services, discount health care services and greeting card services.
Finding a viable and long term company to partner with is crucial for success.
Here are some of the positive and negative things to look for.
-The company must be well funded in the beginning so that when or if setbacks come, the company can get through those times with ease.
-The market that they are in must be something that is not already being used by the masses.
If it is, then the success of the company will be based upon if the companies product is less expensive, drastically improved over the existing competition or more convenient for the end user.
The product must be unique in some way.
For example: If your company is launching a new search engine, then my first point is that your company is late to the game.
The users of search engines have made their decision about what search engines they are going to use.
Second you are not going to convert many Google users over to using your search engine unless your search engine performs significantly better than the leader.
If it doesn't then it will fail.
Remember, that 85 percent of all searches are done on Google, so they have the people already.
If the users of Google were not satisfied with the quality of information they receive when they searched for information or services then they would have left Google for another search engine and Google would not have the numbers (people) domination that they have.
In order for your new search engine company to be viable in the marketplace it must convert loyal Google users and/or it must also be indexed highly on Google to attract current businesses and current Google information seekers.
If you are going to play in the search engine game then you better be prepared to play on Googles home field! My point is to think it through.
Think like a local business owner and ask yourself if you would pay to be on this engine? Think like a consumer and ask yourself if you would use this engine to search for information or products you are looking for? I think in both cases if you are of meager smarts that the answer would be no.
Don't get caught up in the hype of something.
Test out your opportunity by going to and asking some local business owners which one they would pick.
"Would they rather show up on the first two pages of Google via things that are proven and work, or would they like to pay to be at the top of a search engine that has no visitors in their local area and doesn't show up on Google at all?"
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