- 1). Wash your pet with Dawn liquid dish soap. Make sure you lather the suds deep into the pet's fur and let the lather sit on the pet for at least eight minutes. The soap will drown most of the adult fleas and kill them. The eggs, however, will remain alive.
- 2). Comb the pet's dry fur with a flea comb. This fine-toothed comb will scrape away many of the eggs that remain hidden in your pet's fur after the bath. Frequently wash the comb in a cup of water to remove and drown the eggs.
- 3). Repeat the previous two steps as needed. The flea comb may fail to remove all the eggs, so re-wash and re-comb the fur if fleas reappear.
- 1
washing machine image by andrey polichenko from Fotolia.com
Wash your pet's bedding materials with hot, soapy water to drown and remove adult fleas and eggs. - 2). Spread equal quantities of baking soda and salt across your entire carpet, and apply higher concentrations of the mixture in areas that were most frequented by your pet (i.e. the carpet around the pet's bed). Adult fleas and eggs hide in the carpet fibers, and they will fatally dehydrate when they come into contact with the baking soda and salt.
- 3). Leave the baking soda/salt mixture on the carpet for 12 hours to maximize the desiccant's effect.
- 4). Vacuum the baking soda and salt from the carpet. The vacuum also will remove any fleas or eggs killed by the mixture.
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spray image by dinostock from Fotolia.com
Add 1 cup of white vinegar to 1 gallon of distilled water and stir well. Pour mixture into spray bottle. - 6). Spray the vinegar/water mixture onto your pet, the pet's bedding and your carpet. Ensure the spray penetrates the pet's fur and contacts the skin, and then allow the spray to dry. Repeat this procedure once a week until the flea infestation is completely eradicated.
Eradicate Fleas From Your Pet
Eradicate Fleas From Your House