Meet a guy named Ordinary who was a Nobody, lived in a land of Familiar, who had a Big Dream.
He sought out to pursue his Big Dream.
The Dream Giver gave Ordinary a Big Dream and convinced him to leave his Comfort Zone.
Ordinary begins to pursue his Big Dream, overcoming Border Bullies.
Making his way through the wasteland, battling the fierce Giants in the Land.
You will also learn this modern-day parable will get you started on your own daring adventure.
What at first seem to be a road full of obstacles is actually a series of opportunities to help you along towards your destiny.
While Bruce Wilkinson serve as your Dream Coach, offering you insights and practical solutions.
Bruce Wilkinson is the author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers The Prayer of Jabez and Life God Rewards, as well as Secrets of the Vine, Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs and numerous other books.
He Serves as the Chairman of Global Vision Resources, Ovation Productions.
Bruce Wilkinson with David and Heather Kopp takes you through as your Dream Guide giving you insights and practical solutions: Some in When, It looks like your not going to make it "count it all joy," press your way through trusting through, remember where your at now, isolate yourself in the main areas where your trust in the Lord needs to grow.
Ask yourself a question.
What in your Dream do you doubt the Lord about right now? Install a few safety nets beneath you to encourage and protect you when you feel like giving up on the call the Dream Giver in your life.
Be around friends that help you through the Wasteland experiences.
Increase the amount of time you spend with the Dream Giver Devote more time than usual reading and studying the Bible.
Focus on Exodus, Joshua and Psalms.
You'll be amazed how often times you will find your answer you are looking for.
Ask the Lord for wisdom that he promised to give to all who ask in Faith.
Pray about what troubles you most.
And keep a spiritual journey and keep them during Wasteland seasons.
Work through your questions, emotions, and insights on paper with the Dream Giver.
Install the commitment deep in your heart that you won't turn back, no matter how long or hard or painful the path through the wilderness may be.
Hold on to this key truth: "Now the just shall live by faith; but if any man draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him.
" In these present times, this parable will get you started on having enough courage to pursue your destiny.
Remember to trust and believe in the Lord Jesus.
and pray and ask him for wisdom.
You'll learn how Ordinary goes after his Big Dream breaking through the boundries of his Border Bullies called Nobodies.
Which were, his Mother, his Uncle, his Best Friend and the Landlord of Familiar who decided what was right for Nobodies, Owning the every inch of the land even the the bridge Ordinary needed to cross over from Familiar to pursue his Dream.
The Landlord of Familiar told Ordinary he was denying him access to the bridge Ordinary replied, " but why?" Landlord said because I need every Nobody to stay in Familiar at their Usual Job," "I won't lose any more Nobodies to this silly notion of Dreams.
I will not let go!" Shaking up their Comfort Zone, them knew, they had something to lose, if Ordinary went forward.
In the mist of all this Ordinary meets Champion who took him these things.
Ordinary wanted to know how he could get them on his side and Champion told him he might not be able to but wisdom is the key, try to understand what's motivating them and look for the merit of their concerns.
Some Bullies you need simply dismiss or avoid.
But most Border Bullies have concerns that can help you clarify your plans.
That's how Dreamers turns oppositions into opportunity.
Champion gave him a word of wisdom.
"Hold Fast to your Dream.
Your going to be Somebody someday.
I just Know it!" Champion shook Ordinary hands and told him "Remember when Bullies try to block your way, what matters most is who you choose to please!" Ordinary had a small nagging feeling that The Dream Giver gave him and persuaded Ordinary to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream.
And with that small nagging feeling grew and grew he began to wish for it.
Time passed, one morning Ordinary got up with word echoing in his head: What are you missing, you already have.
Could it be? He discovered in a small corner of his heart laid a Big Dream.
The Dream told him he was a Nobody created to be a Somebody and destined to achieve Great Things.
Ordinary jumped out of bed discovered something else.
A long white feather resting on his window sill and thought where did it come from? What did it mean? With Ordinary's nagging feeling, he was so excited, he decided he had a visit from the Dream Giver.
Ordinary heard rumors of Nobodies in Familiar waking up to a Big Dream.
But he never imagined it would happen to him.
He rushed to get dressed, his big Dream beating brightly in his chest.
He couldn't wait to get to his Usual Job and tell his Best Friend the news.
Ordinary realized he had a problem.
His Big Dream was to big for a Nobody like Ordinary.
He would be embarrassed to tell anyone.
Even his Best Friend would laugh.
Still, Ordinary was to excited to keep his Dream to himself.
As soon as he saw Best Friend he blurted out, "The Dream Giver gave me Dream! I was made to be Somebody and destined to achieve Great Things!" Best Friend looked surprised, but didn't laugh and said "That's very big but if I were you, I wouldn't talk about this Dream of yours too much.
Nobodies around here might take you for a fool.
" After that Ordinary keep his Dream to himself.
Day after day Ordinary showed up at his Usual Job.
But while he worked he thought about his Dream.
He thought how it would be to do what he love instead of just dreaming about it.
Ordinary longing for his Big Dream, grew and grew, until finally he realized that he'd never be happy unless he could pursue it.
Timed passed, but nothing changed.
Ordinary began to hate his Usual Job.
This isn't what I was made to do, he'd say to himself.
I just knew it! After a while, he began to worry that maybe he hadn't received a Big Dream after all.
Maybe he'd just made it all up.
And he grew sadder by the day.
One evening after work, Ordinary went to his parents to watch the box.
But their box was broken, so the house was very quite.
Even more quite because his mother was out shopping at Familiar Foods.
In the Quietness, Ordinary began to think about his Dream again.
He looked Over at his father sitting in his recliner, staring at a single page of the Nobody's News.
Maybe he could help.
"Father," said Ordinary, "I'm growing sadder by the day, I don't like my Usual job anymore.
In fact, I think I hate It.
" Father looked up.
"That's terrible!, he said.
"What happened Before he could stop himself, Ordinary started talking about the Dream Giver, and about his Big Dream.
"I was made a Somebody and achieve Great Things!" he said.
And then he told his Father the Name of his Dream.
As Ordinary spoke, his voice trembled.
He was sure his Father would laugh or call him a fool.
But he didn't.
"I'm not surprised to hear you say these things.
" he said.
Ordinary was surprised.
Ordinary began to tell him he had that Dream ever since he was a little.
he said, "Don't you remember?" You used to build that same dream with sticks and mud in front of the house.
" Then Ordinary did remember.
He'd always had his Dream! It was what he'd always wanted to do, and what he'd always thought he'd be good at doing.
His eyes Filled with Tears.
"Father, he said, I think I was born to do this.
" Ordinary and his Father sat down and his Father seemed to remember something and he asked him after a while, "When you woke up to your Big Dream, Son, did you happen to find a feather?" Ordinary was shocked, "How did you know?" he asked.
His Father began to tell him, "Along time ago, I woke up to a Dream, too," "And it came with a long white feather.
It was a wonderful Dream.
I kept the feather on my window sill while I waited for a chance to pursue it.
I waited and waited.
But it never seemed possible.
One day I noticed the feather had turned to dust.
" Ordinary was sadden of all the words he heard that night.
His Father hugged him.
He said, "Don't make the same mistake he did, Son,, he said.
"You don't have to stay a Nobody.
You can be a Dreamer!" When Ordinary got home, he headed straight to the window and picked up the long white feather.
He turned it over and looked at it carefully in his hands.
He thought about his Father Dream he left behind.
Then he had a surprising idea.
Could it be that maybe the Dream Giver gave every Nobody a Dream, but only some embraced their dreams? And a fewer pursued them? The more he thought about it the more he though had to be true.
One thing Ordinary did know for sure, he didn't want to repeat his Father's mistake.
He wouldn't waste another day waiting for his Dream to seem possible.
He would find a way to pursue it.
Timed passed Ordinary worked hard on his plan to begin his Dream.
He made choices.
He made difficult changes.
He even made big sacrifices.
Finally, one morning, he was already.
Ordinary ran all the way to his Usual Job, his Dream pounding in his chest.
As soon as he saw Best Friend, Ordinary blurted out the news: "That Big dream I told you about - I've decided to pursue it!" Best Friend look concerned.
"You know as well as I do that Nobodies who pursue their Dreams leave Familiar," he said.
"They set off like fools into the Unknown, in search of a place where - " "Yes, yes I know," Ordinary broke in," and I can't wait to get started!" But Ordinary, that journey is anything but sensible or safe.
Why leave Familiar? It's so comfortable here.
And besides, you've always lived here.
" I thought about it all, too," said Ordinary, "But my Dream is too important wonderful to miss.
" Best Friend shook his head.
"So you're going to become a Dreamer," he said.
"I am a Dreamer!," answered Ordinary.
"Today I'm going to tell my Boss that leaving my Usual Job Tomorrow I will begin my journey.
Hey Best Friend," added Ordinary eagerly, "you can have my recliner and my box!" And with that Ordinary walked away, humming a tune he'd never heard before.
Ordinary couldn't wait to give away to his Best Friend his recliner and box that that he had.
, going away singing a tune he never heard before.
Ordinary leaving his Boss and and his Usual Job to begin his journey.
Ordinary's Best Friend couldn't believe that Ordinary was going to be a Dream.
Ordinary knowing in his heart he was a Dreamer.
Best Friend knowing that Ordinary lived in the Land of Familiar, didn't like the sound of it Ordinary pursing his Dream.
He thought Nobodies never leave the Land of Familiar to pursue their Dreams set off like fools into the Unknown.
Ordinary thought about what Best Friend said but decided to pursue his Dream anyway.
He made sacrifices, he made difficult choices.
Time passed Ordinary worked hard on his to pursue his big Dream.
He sought out to pursue his Big Dream.
The Dream Giver gave Ordinary a Big Dream and convinced him to leave his Comfort Zone.
Ordinary begins to pursue his Big Dream, overcoming Border Bullies.
Making his way through the wasteland, battling the fierce Giants in the Land.
You will also learn this modern-day parable will get you started on your own daring adventure.
What at first seem to be a road full of obstacles is actually a series of opportunities to help you along towards your destiny.
While Bruce Wilkinson serve as your Dream Coach, offering you insights and practical solutions.
Bruce Wilkinson is the author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers The Prayer of Jabez and Life God Rewards, as well as Secrets of the Vine, Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs and numerous other books.
He Serves as the Chairman of Global Vision Resources, Ovation Productions.
Bruce Wilkinson with David and Heather Kopp takes you through as your Dream Guide giving you insights and practical solutions: Some in When, It looks like your not going to make it "count it all joy," press your way through trusting through, remember where your at now, isolate yourself in the main areas where your trust in the Lord needs to grow.
Ask yourself a question.
What in your Dream do you doubt the Lord about right now? Install a few safety nets beneath you to encourage and protect you when you feel like giving up on the call the Dream Giver in your life.
Be around friends that help you through the Wasteland experiences.
Increase the amount of time you spend with the Dream Giver Devote more time than usual reading and studying the Bible.
Focus on Exodus, Joshua and Psalms.
You'll be amazed how often times you will find your answer you are looking for.
Ask the Lord for wisdom that he promised to give to all who ask in Faith.
Pray about what troubles you most.
And keep a spiritual journey and keep them during Wasteland seasons.
Work through your questions, emotions, and insights on paper with the Dream Giver.
Install the commitment deep in your heart that you won't turn back, no matter how long or hard or painful the path through the wilderness may be.
Hold on to this key truth: "Now the just shall live by faith; but if any man draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him.
" In these present times, this parable will get you started on having enough courage to pursue your destiny.
Remember to trust and believe in the Lord Jesus.
and pray and ask him for wisdom.
You'll learn how Ordinary goes after his Big Dream breaking through the boundries of his Border Bullies called Nobodies.
Which were, his Mother, his Uncle, his Best Friend and the Landlord of Familiar who decided what was right for Nobodies, Owning the every inch of the land even the the bridge Ordinary needed to cross over from Familiar to pursue his Dream.
The Landlord of Familiar told Ordinary he was denying him access to the bridge Ordinary replied, " but why?" Landlord said because I need every Nobody to stay in Familiar at their Usual Job," "I won't lose any more Nobodies to this silly notion of Dreams.
I will not let go!" Shaking up their Comfort Zone, them knew, they had something to lose, if Ordinary went forward.
In the mist of all this Ordinary meets Champion who took him these things.
Ordinary wanted to know how he could get them on his side and Champion told him he might not be able to but wisdom is the key, try to understand what's motivating them and look for the merit of their concerns.
Some Bullies you need simply dismiss or avoid.
But most Border Bullies have concerns that can help you clarify your plans.
That's how Dreamers turns oppositions into opportunity.
Champion gave him a word of wisdom.
"Hold Fast to your Dream.
Your going to be Somebody someday.
I just Know it!" Champion shook Ordinary hands and told him "Remember when Bullies try to block your way, what matters most is who you choose to please!" Ordinary had a small nagging feeling that The Dream Giver gave him and persuaded Ordinary to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream.
And with that small nagging feeling grew and grew he began to wish for it.
Time passed, one morning Ordinary got up with word echoing in his head: What are you missing, you already have.
Could it be? He discovered in a small corner of his heart laid a Big Dream.
The Dream told him he was a Nobody created to be a Somebody and destined to achieve Great Things.
Ordinary jumped out of bed discovered something else.
A long white feather resting on his window sill and thought where did it come from? What did it mean? With Ordinary's nagging feeling, he was so excited, he decided he had a visit from the Dream Giver.
Ordinary heard rumors of Nobodies in Familiar waking up to a Big Dream.
But he never imagined it would happen to him.
He rushed to get dressed, his big Dream beating brightly in his chest.
He couldn't wait to get to his Usual Job and tell his Best Friend the news.
Ordinary realized he had a problem.
His Big Dream was to big for a Nobody like Ordinary.
He would be embarrassed to tell anyone.
Even his Best Friend would laugh.
Still, Ordinary was to excited to keep his Dream to himself.
As soon as he saw Best Friend he blurted out, "The Dream Giver gave me Dream! I was made to be Somebody and destined to achieve Great Things!" Best Friend looked surprised, but didn't laugh and said "That's very big but if I were you, I wouldn't talk about this Dream of yours too much.
Nobodies around here might take you for a fool.
" After that Ordinary keep his Dream to himself.
Day after day Ordinary showed up at his Usual Job.
But while he worked he thought about his Dream.
He thought how it would be to do what he love instead of just dreaming about it.
Ordinary longing for his Big Dream, grew and grew, until finally he realized that he'd never be happy unless he could pursue it.
Timed passed, but nothing changed.
Ordinary began to hate his Usual Job.
This isn't what I was made to do, he'd say to himself.
I just knew it! After a while, he began to worry that maybe he hadn't received a Big Dream after all.
Maybe he'd just made it all up.
And he grew sadder by the day.
One evening after work, Ordinary went to his parents to watch the box.
But their box was broken, so the house was very quite.
Even more quite because his mother was out shopping at Familiar Foods.
In the Quietness, Ordinary began to think about his Dream again.
He looked Over at his father sitting in his recliner, staring at a single page of the Nobody's News.
Maybe he could help.
"Father," said Ordinary, "I'm growing sadder by the day, I don't like my Usual job anymore.
In fact, I think I hate It.
" Father looked up.
"That's terrible!, he said.
"What happened Before he could stop himself, Ordinary started talking about the Dream Giver, and about his Big Dream.
"I was made a Somebody and achieve Great Things!" he said.
And then he told his Father the Name of his Dream.
As Ordinary spoke, his voice trembled.
He was sure his Father would laugh or call him a fool.
But he didn't.
"I'm not surprised to hear you say these things.
" he said.
Ordinary was surprised.
Ordinary began to tell him he had that Dream ever since he was a little.
he said, "Don't you remember?" You used to build that same dream with sticks and mud in front of the house.
" Then Ordinary did remember.
He'd always had his Dream! It was what he'd always wanted to do, and what he'd always thought he'd be good at doing.
His eyes Filled with Tears.
"Father, he said, I think I was born to do this.
" Ordinary and his Father sat down and his Father seemed to remember something and he asked him after a while, "When you woke up to your Big Dream, Son, did you happen to find a feather?" Ordinary was shocked, "How did you know?" he asked.
His Father began to tell him, "Along time ago, I woke up to a Dream, too," "And it came with a long white feather.
It was a wonderful Dream.
I kept the feather on my window sill while I waited for a chance to pursue it.
I waited and waited.
But it never seemed possible.
One day I noticed the feather had turned to dust.
" Ordinary was sadden of all the words he heard that night.
His Father hugged him.
He said, "Don't make the same mistake he did, Son,, he said.
"You don't have to stay a Nobody.
You can be a Dreamer!" When Ordinary got home, he headed straight to the window and picked up the long white feather.
He turned it over and looked at it carefully in his hands.
He thought about his Father Dream he left behind.
Then he had a surprising idea.
Could it be that maybe the Dream Giver gave every Nobody a Dream, but only some embraced their dreams? And a fewer pursued them? The more he thought about it the more he though had to be true.
One thing Ordinary did know for sure, he didn't want to repeat his Father's mistake.
He wouldn't waste another day waiting for his Dream to seem possible.
He would find a way to pursue it.
Timed passed Ordinary worked hard on his plan to begin his Dream.
He made choices.
He made difficult changes.
He even made big sacrifices.
Finally, one morning, he was already.
Ordinary ran all the way to his Usual Job, his Dream pounding in his chest.
As soon as he saw Best Friend, Ordinary blurted out the news: "That Big dream I told you about - I've decided to pursue it!" Best Friend look concerned.
"You know as well as I do that Nobodies who pursue their Dreams leave Familiar," he said.
"They set off like fools into the Unknown, in search of a place where - " "Yes, yes I know," Ordinary broke in," and I can't wait to get started!" But Ordinary, that journey is anything but sensible or safe.
Why leave Familiar? It's so comfortable here.
And besides, you've always lived here.
" I thought about it all, too," said Ordinary, "But my Dream is too important wonderful to miss.
" Best Friend shook his head.
"So you're going to become a Dreamer," he said.
"I am a Dreamer!," answered Ordinary.
"Today I'm going to tell my Boss that leaving my Usual Job Tomorrow I will begin my journey.
Hey Best Friend," added Ordinary eagerly, "you can have my recliner and my box!" And with that Ordinary walked away, humming a tune he'd never heard before.
Ordinary couldn't wait to give away to his Best Friend his recliner and box that that he had.
, going away singing a tune he never heard before.
Ordinary leaving his Boss and and his Usual Job to begin his journey.
Ordinary's Best Friend couldn't believe that Ordinary was going to be a Dream.
Ordinary knowing in his heart he was a Dreamer.
Best Friend knowing that Ordinary lived in the Land of Familiar, didn't like the sound of it Ordinary pursing his Dream.
He thought Nobodies never leave the Land of Familiar to pursue their Dreams set off like fools into the Unknown.
Ordinary thought about what Best Friend said but decided to pursue his Dream anyway.
He made sacrifices, he made difficult choices.
Time passed Ordinary worked hard on his to pursue his big Dream.