Hey Marketers! Yes you! Are you a bit unorganized when you sit down to pound out articles, blog posts, etc.
? Well, here is 3 tips to organize your work at home.
If you do not have things in order, then how in the world will you know what is out there that was important that you had to do ASAP? Organization Tip # 1: Take a look at your computer desk.
Can you see the full monitor? How about the printer and tower.
If you cannot see your money-making box, then how in God's green earth can expect to make any from it? Now, if you cannot see where you are working, then do not read any further until you have your station cleaned up.
Not kidding.
Do it now slacker.
You missed a donut.
Over there, behind the speaker next to the Taco Bell wrappers! OK.
The importance of this shows that if you can organize the outside, then the inside should be flawless.
How many notes, contacts, essential ideas are lost because you want to be Clutter Hero? I know your mother taught you how to clean up after yourselves.
Well, as it looks for some of you, maybe not.
Make your work station comfortable and inviting, even if you are the only one who uses it.
It can start off the work you have to do in a positive mindset.
Feel good before having a go at it.
Organization Tip # 2: Clean up your email! Look at your inbox and all folders.
Oh my...
How in the world were you able to grow cobwebs on a computer generated folder?! I think you see my point.
How many projects, contacts, and people in your group are you neglecting because you put things on the back burner? How many people have you lost because they sent you and email 2 weeks ago asking for an answer to a simple question? Never underestimate simplicity.
You hurt a persons feelings, or make them feel like they do not matter, forget doing business with them.
Go ahead, I will wait.
I will be back in an hour or so to see your progress on cleaning up your mailboxes and folders.
I am back.
Looking good.
Progress being made.
Oh wait! Look, there to the left.
See all of those opportunities and such you signed up for, but have never used? Get rid of them and un-subscribe to things that have no impact on your business.
Clutter equals more clutter.
You want to organize your work at home, not see how high you can stack things to the roof.
Organization Tip #3: Make a daily work schedule.
Build a routine that you follow each day.
Do things on certain days, certain things on others.
This keeps it from getting monotonous.
If you sit down and just start spinning like a whirlwind, doing whatever pops up, how can you get anything done.
Example: You sit down at 8AM.
You decide to check your emails and write 1 article.
It is now 3PM and you have not checked your emails or started writing the article you planned on.
Sound familiar? Write a list, think a list, scribble it down while you are on the throne! Make it a part of your day like breathing.
No sorry, bad example.
Your body does that for you.
Bathing, no, some do not do much of that.
Eating! Yes.
Many do a ton of that.
You would not forget to eat.
Do not forget to make a business agenda to follow every day.
Add to it, subtract from it, but make it a daily routine.
Now that was not so bad was it? Well, I am grateful some of you made it through this before straying.
Thank you for not letting your bad habits creep back in.
Organize your work at home and see how much more efficient you become.
Clean it up people! God bless,
? Well, here is 3 tips to organize your work at home.
If you do not have things in order, then how in the world will you know what is out there that was important that you had to do ASAP? Organization Tip # 1: Take a look at your computer desk.
Can you see the full monitor? How about the printer and tower.
If you cannot see your money-making box, then how in God's green earth can expect to make any from it? Now, if you cannot see where you are working, then do not read any further until you have your station cleaned up.
Not kidding.
Do it now slacker.
You missed a donut.
Over there, behind the speaker next to the Taco Bell wrappers! OK.
The importance of this shows that if you can organize the outside, then the inside should be flawless.
How many notes, contacts, essential ideas are lost because you want to be Clutter Hero? I know your mother taught you how to clean up after yourselves.
Well, as it looks for some of you, maybe not.
Make your work station comfortable and inviting, even if you are the only one who uses it.
It can start off the work you have to do in a positive mindset.
Feel good before having a go at it.
Organization Tip # 2: Clean up your email! Look at your inbox and all folders.
Oh my...
How in the world were you able to grow cobwebs on a computer generated folder?! I think you see my point.
How many projects, contacts, and people in your group are you neglecting because you put things on the back burner? How many people have you lost because they sent you and email 2 weeks ago asking for an answer to a simple question? Never underestimate simplicity.
You hurt a persons feelings, or make them feel like they do not matter, forget doing business with them.
Go ahead, I will wait.
I will be back in an hour or so to see your progress on cleaning up your mailboxes and folders.
I am back.
Looking good.
Progress being made.
Oh wait! Look, there to the left.
See all of those opportunities and such you signed up for, but have never used? Get rid of them and un-subscribe to things that have no impact on your business.
Clutter equals more clutter.
You want to organize your work at home, not see how high you can stack things to the roof.
Organization Tip #3: Make a daily work schedule.
Build a routine that you follow each day.
Do things on certain days, certain things on others.
This keeps it from getting monotonous.
If you sit down and just start spinning like a whirlwind, doing whatever pops up, how can you get anything done.
Example: You sit down at 8AM.
You decide to check your emails and write 1 article.
It is now 3PM and you have not checked your emails or started writing the article you planned on.
Sound familiar? Write a list, think a list, scribble it down while you are on the throne! Make it a part of your day like breathing.
No sorry, bad example.
Your body does that for you.
Bathing, no, some do not do much of that.
Eating! Yes.
Many do a ton of that.
You would not forget to eat.
Do not forget to make a business agenda to follow every day.
Add to it, subtract from it, but make it a daily routine.
Now that was not so bad was it? Well, I am grateful some of you made it through this before straying.
Thank you for not letting your bad habits creep back in.
Organize your work at home and see how much more efficient you become.
Clean it up people! God bless,