As a newbie Internet marketer the task of building your first webpage may seem complex and daunting. It's not! Building your own webpage is easy. The Internet offers may sites that will help you create your first webpage or website. Don't be overwhelmed by the number of sites willing to help you. A search for "free websites" in Google will return over 55 Million hits!
The Problem:
You can create a webpage from scratch. Creating it is not overly difficult, if you want a very basic looking page. You will have to learn some basic Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). That too is not difficult. It comes down to a question of time. How much time are you willing to spend before you go online; before you start making money?
If you surf the Internet and have checked out the competition, you know that there are some very professional looking websites out there. You would be hard pressed to compete with a very basic looking page.
You can outsource your work and have a professional do it. Well, that costs money and time. Time spent in coordinating with a web designer, the layout, the content, the colors and fonts. How long before you can launch it and start making money?
The Solution:
Although you can use template-driven software like SBI or Dreamweaver to create your webpage, nothing beats the ease of WordPress. If this is your first attempt, with WordPress you can have a webpage up and running within minutes. You will want to tweak it as you learn more. But, you can have a live professional looking webpage knocking on your customer's door very quickly.
As with a search for "free websites" in Google, you can access many a tutorial on the Internet to help. The difference is the quickness with which you will have your webpage online.
Learn more about WordPress and how to start building your own webpage with WordPress. You will cut your learning curve in half.
The Problem:
You can create a webpage from scratch. Creating it is not overly difficult, if you want a very basic looking page. You will have to learn some basic Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). That too is not difficult. It comes down to a question of time. How much time are you willing to spend before you go online; before you start making money?
If you surf the Internet and have checked out the competition, you know that there are some very professional looking websites out there. You would be hard pressed to compete with a very basic looking page.
You can outsource your work and have a professional do it. Well, that costs money and time. Time spent in coordinating with a web designer, the layout, the content, the colors and fonts. How long before you can launch it and start making money?
The Solution:
Although you can use template-driven software like SBI or Dreamweaver to create your webpage, nothing beats the ease of WordPress. If this is your first attempt, with WordPress you can have a webpage up and running within minutes. You will want to tweak it as you learn more. But, you can have a live professional looking webpage knocking on your customer's door very quickly.
As with a search for "free websites" in Google, you can access many a tutorial on the Internet to help. The difference is the quickness with which you will have your webpage online.
Learn more about WordPress and how to start building your own webpage with WordPress. You will cut your learning curve in half.