Having a landing page is very important to anyone's business.
A landing page will increase your sales potential greatly, but what is it and why should you have one? Things you will need: - Hosting site - Auto responder A landing page is like the book cover for your website or niche; it is supposed to give a summary about what you have to offer.
Now, the most important thing about a squeeze page is the opt-in.
This is the heart and soul of your business.
If you plan your landing page properly, your viewers will submit their information for you to continuously market to them.
But, you must compel your viewers to want to submit their information.
One technique is to tease your viewers.
You should give your viewer a taste of what they will get when they submit their information.
Another way is to offer them something for free on your landing page.
But, keep in mind that not just anything will do.
The free offer should be something that people wouldn't mind paying for.
Most people use a free digital download or a newsletter.
Just posting something for free on your page will not compel your viewers to opt-in.
Your page must be enough in itself.
What you want to do is band your product.
Make your product look like the best in its class.
The main purpose of your landing page is to get people to opt-in.
This will give you a stream of prospects to market to.
A landing page will increase your sales potential greatly, but what is it and why should you have one? Things you will need: - Hosting site - Auto responder A landing page is like the book cover for your website or niche; it is supposed to give a summary about what you have to offer.
Now, the most important thing about a squeeze page is the opt-in.
This is the heart and soul of your business.
If you plan your landing page properly, your viewers will submit their information for you to continuously market to them.
But, you must compel your viewers to want to submit their information.
One technique is to tease your viewers.
You should give your viewer a taste of what they will get when they submit their information.
Another way is to offer them something for free on your landing page.
But, keep in mind that not just anything will do.
The free offer should be something that people wouldn't mind paying for.
Most people use a free digital download or a newsletter.
Just posting something for free on your page will not compel your viewers to opt-in.
Your page must be enough in itself.
What you want to do is band your product.
Make your product look like the best in its class.
The main purpose of your landing page is to get people to opt-in.
This will give you a stream of prospects to market to.