Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Improve Your Success Rate When Recruiting Online

There are pros and cons to recruiting online and it is important to be clear about your objectives before you embark upon an online recruiting campaign.
You can use the following steps to improve your chances of success in finding the right candidate to join your organization.
Be specific in the job advertisement As recruiting online starts as a very impersonal process it is very important that you provide sufficient information within the job advertisement, including a detailed background in the company profile section.
You can use this section of the job ad to enthuse and attract high caliber candidates and encourage them to want to work for your organization.
Too many companies post a vague or bland company profile that does nothing to encourage any job seeker to apply.
In addition, when you fill in the specific criteria for the position that you are advertising, be very specific about the skills and abilities, and qualifications you are looking for.
Also, be clear about the compensation and benefits package, and any advancement opportunities.
By doing this you will help to attract suitably qualified jobseekers with the right skill set to your job ad, thus increasing the likelihood of getting the right person at the end of the process.
Be ready for a high volume of applications A great benefit of recruiting online is that it enables you to reach a much wider geographical audience with your job ad.
The flip side is that this wider audience will generate a much higher volume of applications than you would normally expect if you recruit offline.
Use the screening process An integral part of your recruitment strategy should be to use the online screening process that is made available at online job search websites.
This filtering process will help you select the best-fit covering letters, resumes and references from the applications that you receive.
As an addition to the screening, you should aim to standardize the interview process, as this may need to be over the phone or over the Internet.
Always avoid this becoming too personal during the interview and use a set of pre-established questions relating to the job.
This will help you to get consistency of approach during all interviews and also maintain healthy employment practices.
Use online skills tests One way of helping you to narrow down the number of applicants to a short list that you want to take further, is to incorporate an online skills test.
By asking potential applicants to undergo a test you also gain a better understanding of how interested they are in the role offered.
The right person for your company will definitely be sufficiently motivated to go through a simple online test, whereas less keen individuals may not be.
By properly targeting your job posting, using the automated screening process and online skills tests you will definitely get a good response for your advertisement and be able to find the candidate that is most suitable for the position when recruiting online.
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