Just what is Efusjon - I haven't heard about it yet?
Efusjon is a Multi Level Marketing company that started in January of 2009 marketing 'healthy' energy drinks. Rather than taking any of the traditional approaches to MLM, they modeled their growth after a wine club and created a unique compensation plan called 'The Community Overlap Matrix'. Essentially, the community overlap allows you to be paid on the efforts of people who aren't involved in your organization at all.
I first heard of Efusjon from a friend of mine who was excited out of her mind about a business that 'it's not MLM, it's something better'. (Which, of course, was B.S. - Efusjon is absolutely a MLM company)
She told me 'all you have to do is get three people, that's it, and you're rich'.
This made me brush Efusjon off because I know from experience that even if you have a 'Community Overlap' and a 'exciting new business' you need to sponsor more than 3 people unless you are one lucky person.
I spent some time as of late researching Efusjon and it remains unclear whether this will turn into a huge company or be a short lived, yet profitable fad? Or will they be here for years to come?
I wanted to discuss the 3 most compelling benefits to the Efusjon opportunity. I'm going to cover these first, from the perspective of someone who's not involved. They are:
1.Efusjon's strongest unique selling proposition is the 'Community Overlap Matrix'.This simple, innovative diversion from traditional MLM comp plan methods will create some of the single biggest checks in the Network Marketing profession.
2.The whole energy drink industry is exploding right now.This year - while this might not be true always - energy drinks are a growing market. In fact, the sales of energy drinks are predicted to jump from $5 billion in 2009 all the way to $11 billion in 2011.
3.There is an innovative Facebook tool that promotes your business using social networking - a poweful addition to the serious entrepreneur's arsenal.
So there you go.So why aren't you involved? Have you gone crazy?It's a great company, isn't it?
The best question that I use myself is "Do I believe in this product enough to use it if I weren't selling it"?' For me, the answer is simply no.To be simple, and to the point - I simply don't like the way that Efusjon's energy drinks taste (although many others seem to think otherwise - so I'll hold my tongue...).
Sometimes, I find people just get involved for money, and that's what gives MLM a bad reputation. However, if you truly have a passion for Efusjon - you should absolutely find a good sponsor and join right away.
Also - who says that the energy drink market will keep growing? Couldn't it be a short lived fad.It will eventually be true that Efusjon will have to venture outside of Energy Drinks if it is going to continue to thrive.However, I know that I don't know the future, do you?However, even if the demand for Energy Drinks suffers a steep decline - maybe you could make some quick money.
My last thought for you today is that if you do get involved (or are already involved) in Efusjon - learn to market your business in a way that attracts people to you, rather than repels them away.By learning some simple marketing strategies, you'll never have to try and recruit a family member again - you'll attract thousands of people into your business like bees are attracted to honey.
Simply put - learn how to attract others to your business and you can make as much money as you want in Efusjon or any other company if you choose.The simple fact is that you'll prosper wherever you go. And the good thing is - you can write your own check.
It was my desire that I could aid you in understanding this business in a way that blesses your life.
Efusjon is a Multi Level Marketing company that started in January of 2009 marketing 'healthy' energy drinks. Rather than taking any of the traditional approaches to MLM, they modeled their growth after a wine club and created a unique compensation plan called 'The Community Overlap Matrix'. Essentially, the community overlap allows you to be paid on the efforts of people who aren't involved in your organization at all.
I first heard of Efusjon from a friend of mine who was excited out of her mind about a business that 'it's not MLM, it's something better'. (Which, of course, was B.S. - Efusjon is absolutely a MLM company)
She told me 'all you have to do is get three people, that's it, and you're rich'.
This made me brush Efusjon off because I know from experience that even if you have a 'Community Overlap' and a 'exciting new business' you need to sponsor more than 3 people unless you are one lucky person.
I spent some time as of late researching Efusjon and it remains unclear whether this will turn into a huge company or be a short lived, yet profitable fad? Or will they be here for years to come?
I wanted to discuss the 3 most compelling benefits to the Efusjon opportunity. I'm going to cover these first, from the perspective of someone who's not involved. They are:
1.Efusjon's strongest unique selling proposition is the 'Community Overlap Matrix'.This simple, innovative diversion from traditional MLM comp plan methods will create some of the single biggest checks in the Network Marketing profession.
2.The whole energy drink industry is exploding right now.This year - while this might not be true always - energy drinks are a growing market. In fact, the sales of energy drinks are predicted to jump from $5 billion in 2009 all the way to $11 billion in 2011.
3.There is an innovative Facebook tool that promotes your business using social networking - a poweful addition to the serious entrepreneur's arsenal.
So there you go.So why aren't you involved? Have you gone crazy?It's a great company, isn't it?
The best question that I use myself is "Do I believe in this product enough to use it if I weren't selling it"?' For me, the answer is simply no.To be simple, and to the point - I simply don't like the way that Efusjon's energy drinks taste (although many others seem to think otherwise - so I'll hold my tongue...).
Sometimes, I find people just get involved for money, and that's what gives MLM a bad reputation. However, if you truly have a passion for Efusjon - you should absolutely find a good sponsor and join right away.
Also - who says that the energy drink market will keep growing? Couldn't it be a short lived fad.It will eventually be true that Efusjon will have to venture outside of Energy Drinks if it is going to continue to thrive.However, I know that I don't know the future, do you?However, even if the demand for Energy Drinks suffers a steep decline - maybe you could make some quick money.
My last thought for you today is that if you do get involved (or are already involved) in Efusjon - learn to market your business in a way that attracts people to you, rather than repels them away.By learning some simple marketing strategies, you'll never have to try and recruit a family member again - you'll attract thousands of people into your business like bees are attracted to honey.
Simply put - learn how to attract others to your business and you can make as much money as you want in Efusjon or any other company if you choose.The simple fact is that you'll prosper wherever you go. And the good thing is - you can write your own check.
It was my desire that I could aid you in understanding this business in a way that blesses your life.