Recently in Central Falls, Rhode Island a police officer was called the scene of the fight.
While trying to arrest the suspect someone snuck up behind the officer, picked him up and threw him to the ground.
He got a concussion out of the deal.
Hundreds of officers are injured every year when they confront suspects.
You never know whether they are armed or will obey lawful orders.
So in this case the police officer once he gets released from the hospital he will undergo new taser training.
Part of that training wherever tasers are employed by the police department is to get first-hand experience of how to use it and what it feels like to get shot by it.
Under controlled circumstances, each officer must be shot with a taser so they can experience first-hand what it feels like and what the effects are.
This training gives them a better sense of how to use it and what to expect out of the weapon.
Back in 1974 a gentleman by the name of Jack Cover, a scientist, developed the taser.
Taser is an acronym for the Thomas A Swift Electric Rifle.
The taser is a nonlethal self defense weapon that uses electric voltage.
Aim the weapon at the subject, pull the trigger then two barbed electrified probes of 50,000 volts shoot into the subject.
The electric shock locks the muscles up incapacitating an assailant, allowing them to be subdued or for the victim to escape.
Tasers are the preferred weapon by 15,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States because they have better control over the situation and provide less danger to the officer and the public in general.
It is part of the continuum of force that police officers use every time they confront a suspect.
The legitimate use of force in a police situation allows the officer to gain control and compel compliance of a lawful order by an unwilling suspect.
The idea behind the continuum of force is that you use the minimum amount of force to gain that control starting with verbal instructions all the way up to deadly force.
The taser is more effective than pepper spray or a baton because it allows the officer to subdue a suspect with minimal pain in a confrontation when they fail to obey a lawful order.
It has been proven time and time again to be nearly 100 percent effective.
Tasers are an extremely effective non lethal alternative to deadly force.
They save the lives of officers, suspects and the public.
While trying to arrest the suspect someone snuck up behind the officer, picked him up and threw him to the ground.
He got a concussion out of the deal.
Hundreds of officers are injured every year when they confront suspects.
You never know whether they are armed or will obey lawful orders.
So in this case the police officer once he gets released from the hospital he will undergo new taser training.
Part of that training wherever tasers are employed by the police department is to get first-hand experience of how to use it and what it feels like to get shot by it.
Under controlled circumstances, each officer must be shot with a taser so they can experience first-hand what it feels like and what the effects are.
This training gives them a better sense of how to use it and what to expect out of the weapon.
Back in 1974 a gentleman by the name of Jack Cover, a scientist, developed the taser.
Taser is an acronym for the Thomas A Swift Electric Rifle.
The taser is a nonlethal self defense weapon that uses electric voltage.
Aim the weapon at the subject, pull the trigger then two barbed electrified probes of 50,000 volts shoot into the subject.
The electric shock locks the muscles up incapacitating an assailant, allowing them to be subdued or for the victim to escape.
Tasers are the preferred weapon by 15,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States because they have better control over the situation and provide less danger to the officer and the public in general.
It is part of the continuum of force that police officers use every time they confront a suspect.
The legitimate use of force in a police situation allows the officer to gain control and compel compliance of a lawful order by an unwilling suspect.
The idea behind the continuum of force is that you use the minimum amount of force to gain that control starting with verbal instructions all the way up to deadly force.
The taser is more effective than pepper spray or a baton because it allows the officer to subdue a suspect with minimal pain in a confrontation when they fail to obey a lawful order.
It has been proven time and time again to be nearly 100 percent effective.
Tasers are an extremely effective non lethal alternative to deadly force.
They save the lives of officers, suspects and the public.