Wouldn't you be a bit shocked if you suddenly found out that your ex was MADLY in love with you still? What would you do? Would you take them back, or would you tell them "tough luck!"...
Well obviously if you still like your ex, you would immediately want to take them back, but what happens when your ex is too afraid to tell you that they still love you? What if they do really love you still?
Well my friend, it's time to investigate! Use these 7 signs to determine if your ex is still madly in love with you or not....
7. They talk about you ALL the time! - You are the centre of their attention, and they are always talking about you to their friends and family, and ESPECIALLY to you.
You will find your ex mentioning things they love about you, things they remember you doing, and of course, how they felt when they were with you.
6. He/she makes you feel special - They still try to make you feel special, and act as if you are the only person on the planet who gets them and who is so great. They remember your birthday, listen intently, and often surprise you with very sentimental things.
5. He/she is honest with you - You can trust them, and they don't lie to you. They are even honest to you, and sometimes brutally honest. They give you advice and try to suggest the best things for you always, because they really care about you.
4. They still talk to your family and friends - If they were over you, they wouldn't go out of their way to do this, and if they still hang out with your family and friends, then obviously they are still in love with you.
3. They stand up for you - If someone is bothering you, they are the first on the scene, and your ex will defend you to anyone and everyone who tries to think you are not great.
2. He/she tries to do things you love - They ask you to come out dancing, because they know you love it. They want to try new foods, because they know you love it. Your ex is making an obvious effort to be the kind of person you want.
1. They have really changed - The most obvious sign that they still love you, is that they have changed for you, and it shows with their attitude, actions and words.
You notice them avoiding the same bad habits they used to do, and they just seem to be much happier and much nicer towards you.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out-Click Here
Feel free to use this article as long as the links are kept live.
Well obviously if you still like your ex, you would immediately want to take them back, but what happens when your ex is too afraid to tell you that they still love you? What if they do really love you still?
Well my friend, it's time to investigate! Use these 7 signs to determine if your ex is still madly in love with you or not....
7. They talk about you ALL the time! - You are the centre of their attention, and they are always talking about you to their friends and family, and ESPECIALLY to you.
You will find your ex mentioning things they love about you, things they remember you doing, and of course, how they felt when they were with you.
6. He/she makes you feel special - They still try to make you feel special, and act as if you are the only person on the planet who gets them and who is so great. They remember your birthday, listen intently, and often surprise you with very sentimental things.
5. He/she is honest with you - You can trust them, and they don't lie to you. They are even honest to you, and sometimes brutally honest. They give you advice and try to suggest the best things for you always, because they really care about you.
4. They still talk to your family and friends - If they were over you, they wouldn't go out of their way to do this, and if they still hang out with your family and friends, then obviously they are still in love with you.
3. They stand up for you - If someone is bothering you, they are the first on the scene, and your ex will defend you to anyone and everyone who tries to think you are not great.
2. He/she tries to do things you love - They ask you to come out dancing, because they know you love it. They want to try new foods, because they know you love it. Your ex is making an obvious effort to be the kind of person you want.
1. They have really changed - The most obvious sign that they still love you, is that they have changed for you, and it shows with their attitude, actions and words.
You notice them avoiding the same bad habits they used to do, and they just seem to be much happier and much nicer towards you.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out-Click Here
Feel free to use this article as long as the links are kept live.