Health & Medical Mental Health

Here is How You Can Diagnose Repeated Nightmares Disorder in Your Child

Are you noticing your child waking up in the middle of night all of a sudden crying and frightened? Did you talk to him? It can be a serious matter! There might be something haranguing his little heart.
You need to talk to him and find out before his situation deteriorates.
Usually children in the age group of 10-12 experience these nightmares and feel more drawn towards their mothers to ensure physical and emotional security.
Dreams that occur frequently during latter phase of the night is referred to as repeated nightmares.
It awakens the sleeper in the middle of the night with fear and terrible anxiety.
The sleeper may recall the events of the dream vaguely since these are frightening ones and occurs when mind is in too much stress.
The cause nightmares can also be attributed to inheritance from parents.
You must have noticed little kids wake up in night in partial sleeping state frightened which is actually the result of emotional insecurity but if the condition persists, you must consult the doctor right away.
If not taken into consideration these nightmares continue up to adulthood and may hamper the functioning of some part of brain.
In adulthood stress, anxiety, exhaustion, emotional trauma, and tensions can be the precursor of repeated nightmares.
Nightmares for prolong period can result into lack of sleep which in turn inhibits the growth of internal body parts.
It's really important to keep track of your kid's activities whether they are still in young age or have crossed their teens.
Since, they may get into indulgences like drug or alcohol in order to forget all their tensions.
At times demise of the loved ones may also lead into utterly depressive mood fluctuations and children keep tossing in bed during sleep such state is called as REM (rapid eye movement) phase of the sleep.
In this situation individual is going through a dream that may lead to waking up screaming or alert.
Checklist for Repeated nightmares symptoms: oSudden waking up from sleep in a frightened and terrified state oRecurrence and recollection of some fearful incident during sleep oLack of sleep and confidence oLoss of memory and dementia oAlertness right after waking up National Sleep Foundation has however enumerated some of the important tips that could be of great help in taking sound sleep.
oKeep a fixed time for your sleeping and waking up and ensure that no matter what this routine is not going to be disturbed.
oTake morning walks for approximately 30 minutes every morning in fresh air.
Fresh air revitalizes your boy cells and rejuvenates your spirit.
It is also scientifically proved that morning walks help in gaining optimistic approach in life.
oAvoid all kinds of drug abuse and alcohol.
Just follow three simple steps an see your life gaining momentum back.
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