Health & Medical Women's Health

The Facts About the Cellulite Cure

Did you know that almost 90% of women have cellulite?There is no permanent cellulite cure, but there have been advances.
Recent research into the structure of skin confirms that cellulite is the product of anatomy, genes and hormones.
Cellulite is seen to develop among women during periods of hormonal change such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause and PMS.
Since hormones play a critical role in blood flow, fat, connective tissue and lymphatic drainage, hormones are primarily responsible for causing cellulite.
It usually makes its appearance when a woman is around 25 to 35 years of age, though sometimes even earlier.
Lack of exercise coupled with inadequate water intake and poor diet can lead to cellulite in the subcutaneous layer.
This along with natural aging leads to loss of skin tone due to reduced elasticity of connective tissues, prompting cellulite's formation.
Anti Cellulite Treatment While some people claim that exercise can build up muscles in the back of the leg and buttocks and mask cellulite, others feel that not much can be done to find the cellulite cure.
A healthy diet can go a long way in keeping obesity at bay and reducing the chances of cellulite forming.
But it cannot do anything for the cottage cheese lumps that have already appeared on the skin.
Women can attempt to reduce subcutaneous fat in the diet once they notice signs of cellulite.
Exercise can increase the integrity of the connective tissues.
Circulation to the areas affected can be stimulated with the help of massage.
A healthy diet can reduce the build up of cellulite.
Keeping oneself hydrated and avoiding excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol are also recommended.
Avoid smoking, diuretic pills, laxatives, and diet pills as a weight loss and cellulite cure.
Reducing salt intake can further prevent cellulite deposition since salt causes water retention.
A regular exercise regimen is a good foundation for good health and anti cellulite treatment.
Some enhancing technologies in conjunction with diet, exercise and related to anti cellulite treatment include Laser Toning, Cold-Laser Massage, VelaSmooth, Mechanical Massage, Fat-Melting Injections, Cut-and-Fill Solutions, Rub-On Smoothers, Fatburners and Skin Firmers.
For example, most topical applications that fight cellulite don't actually attack the cellulite but create a smoother texture by plumping up the skin.
This effect is temporary and requires constant application of cellulite cure creams and lotions.
Anti cellulite treatment creams containing animoplylline are used to reduce the dimpling effect of cellulite.
This substance, a bronchodilator is said to cause a chemical reaction that changes fat cells into fatty acids that can slide through cell membranes into the bloodstream.
Other types of creams in anti cellulite treatment utilize AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids), Retinols, Caffeine and Citric, Tartaric and Phytic acids all derived from plants.
How much cellulite you have and your personal preferences will help determine your anti cellulite treatment options.
Keep in mind that so far, no cellulite cure can permanently smooth your thighs, however more importantly, without maintenance, any benefits you get will go away.
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