Many people have been told of the danger of osteoporosis, such that today it is almost considered trite to mention it, a given that people roll their eyes and say should be talked about less since its cause and cure is so common. However, too many women are still developing osteoporosis in their later years, such that it is important to remind people about how best to take care of it and how they can relieve their later years of much pain and suffering with a few easy remedies that they can incorporate through nutrition. In today's article we are going to take a look at two basic supplements that work well together to help you fight off the onset of osteoporosis, and allow you to lead a healthy and vigorous life well into your twilight years, your bones dense and strong and able to sustain a healthy, vigorous lifestyle.
The first supplement that we all commonly accept and take upon reaching thirty years of age, which is when osteoporosis begins to set in as our bones begin to thin, is calcium. You can slow this process by eating a diet rich in calcium which will help fortify your bones. An easy way to do this is to eat food that has high amounts of calcium, such as dairy products. Thus including a diet of milk or yogurt, fortified orange juice and many vegetables will help you acquire the amounts you need to prevent the onset.
However, just taking calcium isn't enough. That is where people go wrong, thinking that by drinking some fortified orange juice they will be able to prevent the development of osteoporosis. For your intake to make a real difference you also need to couple it with the second item that this article will detail.
That item is Vitamin D. Did you know that adding vitamin D to your diet will help you fight off osteoporosis? The reason is because it helps your body absorb the calcium, acting as an introductory agent so that more calcium is absorbed then otherwise would be. This makes it a potent partner in your battle against bone thinning.
When should women really begin to take care of themselves in this regard? When they hit menopause they will begin to lose bone mass even faster, so be sure to take your prescribed doses at that time to ensure the greatest long term health.
The first supplement that we all commonly accept and take upon reaching thirty years of age, which is when osteoporosis begins to set in as our bones begin to thin, is calcium. You can slow this process by eating a diet rich in calcium which will help fortify your bones. An easy way to do this is to eat food that has high amounts of calcium, such as dairy products. Thus including a diet of milk or yogurt, fortified orange juice and many vegetables will help you acquire the amounts you need to prevent the onset.
However, just taking calcium isn't enough. That is where people go wrong, thinking that by drinking some fortified orange juice they will be able to prevent the development of osteoporosis. For your intake to make a real difference you also need to couple it with the second item that this article will detail.
That item is Vitamin D. Did you know that adding vitamin D to your diet will help you fight off osteoporosis? The reason is because it helps your body absorb the calcium, acting as an introductory agent so that more calcium is absorbed then otherwise would be. This makes it a potent partner in your battle against bone thinning.
When should women really begin to take care of themselves in this regard? When they hit menopause they will begin to lose bone mass even faster, so be sure to take your prescribed doses at that time to ensure the greatest long term health.