Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Toothache Home Tips and Remedies

A toothache, also known as odontalgia or, less frequently, as odontalgy, is an aching pain in or around a tooth. In most cases toothaches are caused by problems in the tooth or jaw, such as cavities, gum disease, the emergence of wisdom teeth, a cracked tooth, jaw disease, or exposed tooth root.

Toothache and jaw pain are common complaints. There may be severe pain to pressure, or to hot or cold stimuli. The pain may persist for longer than 15 seconds after the stimulus is removed. As the area of inflammation increases, the pain becomes more severe. It may radiate to the cheek, the ear, or the jaw. Other signs and symptoms that may lead you to seek care include the following:

* Pain with chewing
* Hot or cold sensitivity
* Bleeding or discharge from around a tooth or gums
* Swelling around a tooth or swelling of your jaw
* Injury or trauma to the area

Toothaches are painful but can be prevented by take suitable precautions. Avoid eating food which will result in the formation of acid in the mouth, brush teeth regularly with a fluoride toothpaste.

After every meal, chew a little salt and gargle with water. Soft brush can be used to clean the particles caught between the teeth and the gums. Make it habit to clean the teeth every morning and before retiring to bed. In India, people use thin twig of a Babul, Banyan or a Neem tree (known as Datoon) as a brush. First it is to be crushed to make it soft and then use it like a brush. It is advisable to us a Datoon of Babul, Banyan or Neem tree at least once a day.

Try putting whisky on some cotton wool and placing it on the tooth. Try Rescue Remedy for help. It is a combination of Bach Flower Essences and is available at almost all healthfood stores. Oil of cloves would really help a lot ,you put it on a small ball of cotton wool and place it on the tooth.

The bubble is an abcess or infection bubble filled with pus and blood. Get back to the dentist right away. The longer you wait the more damage to your mouth and he may have to go deeper into the bone. If an infection is present the novacaine will not take hold because it can't get through the infection.

Exercises for teeth : Keep the lips closed. Pound the upper teeth on lower teeth for 30 to 40 times twice a day. Then massage the saliva on gums with the tongue. That will ensure proper blood circulation in teeth and increase the life of healthy teeth and gums.

Tea Tree Oil on the boil will relieve the pain and draw it out faster. If you don't have any on hand, use Vicks Vapor Rub. Any time you break out fairly frequently with boils, especially under your arms, inner thighs and or under your breast, you should see a dermatologist about hidradenitis supportiva.

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