Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Spanish Speaking Tours in European Countries

It used to be very difficult for South Americans to travel to Europe just a several years ago in terms of flights but today, thanks to Turkish Airlines mostly and thanks to some other airlines, it is possible to take direct flights from Latin American countries to European capitals.

Only a few years ago, it was only possible to fly to Madrid or Barcelona in Spain and then taking another flight to the desired destination.

If the desired destination is Italy or France that wouldn't be a big problem since these countries are like sisters and brothers and taking another flight is as cheap as water if you book in advance and it is even possible to take trains which would make you feel as if you were traveling inside the country.

But if you want to go to Greece or Turkey, even though they are not very far from Spain, that would be a big problem because you used to spend a fortune for the flight tickets.

Today it is easy but is it preferrable?

Because many South Americans still do not speak English very well even if they understand it perfectly. And to be able to enjoy the country you should join some tours with guidance but ı say it every time ' The stone is just a piece of rock without somebody telling you about its past but it is history or legend if there is a guide telling you about it.

English is the primary touristic language in our age and if you travel to Greece you have no chance but speak English because it is surprising but Greek people still do not organize any tours in Spanish although there is a grand demand about it.

Luckily Turkey is not like this. There is a big - and it is getting bigger every day - Hispanic market in Turkey and there are many people speaking Spanish as a third language.

Turkish people are welcoming and kind. Even if they do not speak Spanish perfectly, just with the few words they know they will try their best to help you but of course there are some people who speak it perfectly and sometimes better than a native speaker

Turkey used to be a touristic country but recently, with this new market, it actually become one of the most important touristic destinations of the world.

To be honest, the prices are also higher than before but it is still possible to travel with affordable options if you know where to look and find the correct people to help you about your trip in Turkey.

Here is a good site about los circuitos en turquia Los destinos mas destacados de Turquia
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