Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Get the Most Out of Your Marketing Agency: 3 Tips

Partnering with a marketing agency can be difficult, particularly for those that have never done so before. There are often generational and cultural gaps between the agencies and their clients, and switching firms in the middle of a campaign can be expensive. However, keep in mind that a business partnership, when boiled down to its essence, is still a human relationship. Like any human relationship, it is less important to find the perfect partner, than it is to be the perfect partner. By educating yourself and striving to take your agency's point of view, and by following these simple tips, you are guaranteed to optimize your marketing relationship.

1. Work to Build Trust

The cornerstone to any relationship is trust. Without it, we have no basis with which to relate to each other. The same can be said of your marketing partnership. In order for an agency to do the best work possible, they muct be informed about the ins and outs of your business. They should know everything from sales information to specific business strategies. Be willing to give them plenty of time to ask questions and be sure to give them honest, open responses. The more information you give them, both facts and personal opinion, are more resources they can use to design an inustry leading campaign. Remember that your advertising or marketing firm is not just a service vendor, with your help they can be a strategic partner.

2. Focus on the Big Picture

Many first-time marketers leave a partnership before the firm has even had an opportunity to do the great work they expected of them. Understand that marketing is a complex science. Though it can happen, it is extremely rare to see a huge boost in traffic overnight. As you begin looking for a marketing firm to partner with, you may want to check your expectations until you have spoken to several industry experts who can give you an honest opinion on what to expect.

The best way to approach most marketing and advertising campaigns is to take on a €set it and forget it' mindset. Once the campaign has been implemented, try not to sweat the details or constantly watch your data in anticipation of a traffic spike. Instead, take a long-term approach. Depending on your business and how and where you are marketing, it may take up to nine months before you ever begin to see an uptick in traffic. Try not to get too emotionally invested in the results, but rather take an experimental approach. If the results do not meet your expectations or criteria, it is time for you and your partner to go back to the drawing board and try something new.

3. Keep an Open Mind, Ears and Mouth

Finally, when managing any relationship it is also important to keep an open mind, listen attentively, and communicate openly and honestly with your partner. If you see something that exceeds your expectations, reward your agency. Let them know that they are on the right track. However, if something does not stand up to your expectations, at least take the time to ask the firm why. By giving them a chance to defend their ideas, you may learn something you did not know about your business and its position in the marketplace. By following these basic tips, you are sure to make the most of any marketing partnership.
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