Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Education consulting- interviews success mantras training solutions for the youth

The process of taking the interview starts well before the interview day naturally. Let's see the run up to that success in your life.

1. The Resume / C.V.

a. Type your resume (never write it)

b. Ensure there are no spelling mistakes. Double check.

c. Try to create a fresh resume for every organization you are applying.

d. Make an effort to respond to every personal detail if mentioned the advertisement.

2. Prepare before the Interview

Remember through preparation is required to succeed in any interviews lets look at various items requiring your effort have

a. Gather in depth knowledge about the industry, the organization & the position you are applying for. You have access to detailed who via multiple sources viz

1. The Internet- website

2. The Annual Report of the Organization

3. Newspaper / business magazine articles

3. On the Interview day

This is the day you have been preparing for. Hence this day is important for you. Let's see how we can how script our success story. Some tips to remember:-

a. Read the Newspaper & check the Internet website of the organization on latest update if any.

B .Formal dress is recommended always this creates a very professional impact on the interviewers.

C .Reach the venue or least 15 / 20 minutes before schedule time.

D .If venue is far from your place of residence; reset your hair, tie, etc at the washroom at interview venue.

e. Remember to switch of your mobile phone just before you present yourself for the interview.

f. As you are about to enter the interview room take  2 or 3 deep breaths to calm you nerves. You would do better if you relaxed and with calm mind.

4. during the Interview

A. When you are introduced to the panel of interviewers, your first impression is cast
  1. Shake hands firmly with each person
  2. Create eye contact with each person & say that you are pleased to meet them.
  3. Smile as you say so.

You have to make an effort to impress this as you communicate. This may be you most important day of your life so far. Put you best foot forward.

B. Answer every question in confident, from voice. Be brief in you replies. Remember "Brevity is the soul of Wit".

Do not mumble or speak very fast. Maintain uniform flow of communication.

C. Answers should be complete brief and to the point. Don't give one word/ one sentence answers. Also avoid very long and verbose replies.

D. While answering the questions maintain eye -contact with the interviewer. If there are 2 or more interviewers, give attention to every person. Rotate eye- contact & retain you smile and calm demeanor.

E. While answering questions make selective & relevant reference & state the source from which you have gathered such information e.g. from Annual Reports, company websites etc.

F. If you don't know any answer

- do not bluff or resort to guess work or never lie

Best is to except that you do not know the answer.

G. Since most questions in the interview can be anticipated, you have already prepared all these questions quite well. You will not have any major problem. Only if any creative, out-of-the-box question is asked this requires spontaneous, creative & intelligent answers. This is the unpredictable part for which we have worked so hard building up our Intelligence Quotient Emotional quotient & industry knowledge.

H. An almost certain question asked at the conclusion, "Is there any question you would like to ask us about he organization or the job?" Be ready your are already prepared this) & ask 1 or 2 questions.

Your questions must reflect your interest in future prospects,

e.g. 1. Which are new markets the company is planning to explore in next couple of years?

In case of job the question could be.

e.g. 2: What are the chances for professional growth in this job opportunity?

Your questions project your enthusiasm & eagerness about the job you have presented yourself. It depicts your positive attitude. So it makes good sense maintain your calm, relaxed & positive demeanor throughout the interview process. Always remember the final decision about the interview depends on the overall impression of the entire process.

The above tips and pointers on handing professional interviews would make you a winner every time.

It however you do not get success, ask for reasons for the same over the telephone. This initiative will further impress the organization about your desire to learn & improve. Further it will definitely stand you in good light for any future interviews as you have rectified your drawbacks.
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