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Search Engine Optimization From a Beginner"s Point of View

If you're thinking about trying Search Engine Optimization on for size, then you might gain a small insight from reading this little article.
You see, a short time ago I decided to switch horses from Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and I want to share what I've learned so far with anybody, who might soon be in the same boat as I am now.
The first thing I heard about SEO was from a colleague a few years back, who had just discovered this amazing new kind techno magic, that would propel websites up on the organic search results in no time at all.
When quizzed about this mystical method, which she called SEO (actually she called it 'søgemaskineoptimering', which is Search Engine Optimization in Danish) she began to ramble on about Meta tags, Title tags, H1 tags, Keyword Density and so forth.
So when I finally got the chance to work with SEO myself, I thought I knew what it was all about already.
I mean, I already knew everything about keywords from SEM, right? Boy was I wrong (as any SEO veteran who's reading this probably already guessed)! As soon as I started my new career as SEO Advisor, my mentor told me, that I could forget all about Meta tags and most of the onsite stuff.
The way to go was figuring out how to get the best links for the website in question.
Sure, onsite optimization has something to say, but compared to links, it's strictly small potatoes.
Of course, when some people hear the words link building, they freeze up and start talking about the unethical aspects of this practice.
That's not what I'm talking about! What I found out was that by generating unique and relevant content - not just on the website - but in articles, blogs, forums and other places on the web, you will soon start to get links to the webpage in question.
And because we're not talking about link spamming or other foul practices, this content and the links they acquire will stay online for a long time and keep on helping your pages to rise in the organic results.
You need to be methodical and patient to succeed in this way, because it really is a slow process.
Thankfully there are certain tools available to help you locate the places, where exactly your topics are being discussed, but in the end, it all boils down to you and your capability to generate unique and relevant content and locate the places, where it will generate the most buzz.
This is the best way so far to generate the links that will give you the positions on the organic results, that we all covet so much.
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