Here is a handy regular verb list of 100 every day verbs.
Regular verbs are verbs that use "ed" when converted to past tense.
For example, walk becomes walked.
When teaching verbs to your students it makes sense to start with these and leave discussions about irregular verbs for later.
Irregular verbs use letters that are unique to the word when it is converted to past tense.
For example, run becomes ran.
accept act annoy arrest attract bake bang behave blind boil book brake buzz carve chew clean compare correct cure dare destroy discover dress earn empty examine exercise explain explode fade file flood flow force fry gather grate grip guide hammer heal help hug identify increased interrupt invite jail join joke judge juggle jump kiss land learn lighten like listen load mark mash matter milk move nail paddle phone pop prefer provide reduce refuse repair rinse rule sack scream shrug sparkle squash suggest talk thank tick trade twist unpack vanish wait waved whisper wonder work x-ray yell yelp yawn zip zing Here are some verb activities that you can do with this list.
1) WRITING CHALLENGE Write one verb from the list on the board and ask your students to write a sentence that includes it.
Then, write two verbs on the board and ask your students to write a sentence that includes both of them.
Then, write three verbs on the board and ask your students to write a sentence that includes all three of them of them.
Continue increasing the number of verbs as long as you want or is appropriate.
2) ACTING OUT Ask students to come out to the front of the class and silently act out one of the verbs on the list.
The class must try and guess what it is.
3) RANDOM SENTENCES Ask students to suggest a noun that can be written on the board.
Next to each noun, write a random verb from the list.
The students then write a sentence for each random pairing or write a short story based on one of the pairs.
4) VERB WORKSHOP Students in groups of 4-6 are given a large piece of paper (A3 or larger) and coloured pencils or markers.
Each group is also given a verb unique to their group.
The challenge is to write the verb in the centre of the paper and add as many associated words as possible shooting off it.
For example, running may lead to shoes, fast, race, scared, champion, athlete, chased, heart beat, shoe lace, pedometer, fitness, sweat, jogging and marathon.
The finished sheets could be used as a writing prompt activity in rotating literacy groups.
Simply post the sheet on to a wall and ask the students to use some of the words in an illustrated short story.
Have a dictionary and thesaurus on hand.
5) SCRAMBLED VERBS Write some of the verbs (10 or so) in scrambled form (ywna for yawn) and ask your students to write out the correct version of the word.
You could give your students the list as a guide.
Regular verbs are verbs that use "ed" when converted to past tense.
For example, walk becomes walked.
When teaching verbs to your students it makes sense to start with these and leave discussions about irregular verbs for later.
Irregular verbs use letters that are unique to the word when it is converted to past tense.
For example, run becomes ran.
accept act annoy arrest attract bake bang behave blind boil book brake buzz carve chew clean compare correct cure dare destroy discover dress earn empty examine exercise explain explode fade file flood flow force fry gather grate grip guide hammer heal help hug identify increased interrupt invite jail join joke judge juggle jump kiss land learn lighten like listen load mark mash matter milk move nail paddle phone pop prefer provide reduce refuse repair rinse rule sack scream shrug sparkle squash suggest talk thank tick trade twist unpack vanish wait waved whisper wonder work x-ray yell yelp yawn zip zing Here are some verb activities that you can do with this list.
1) WRITING CHALLENGE Write one verb from the list on the board and ask your students to write a sentence that includes it.
Then, write two verbs on the board and ask your students to write a sentence that includes both of them.
Then, write three verbs on the board and ask your students to write a sentence that includes all three of them of them.
Continue increasing the number of verbs as long as you want or is appropriate.
2) ACTING OUT Ask students to come out to the front of the class and silently act out one of the verbs on the list.
The class must try and guess what it is.
3) RANDOM SENTENCES Ask students to suggest a noun that can be written on the board.
Next to each noun, write a random verb from the list.
The students then write a sentence for each random pairing or write a short story based on one of the pairs.
4) VERB WORKSHOP Students in groups of 4-6 are given a large piece of paper (A3 or larger) and coloured pencils or markers.
Each group is also given a verb unique to their group.
The challenge is to write the verb in the centre of the paper and add as many associated words as possible shooting off it.
For example, running may lead to shoes, fast, race, scared, champion, athlete, chased, heart beat, shoe lace, pedometer, fitness, sweat, jogging and marathon.
The finished sheets could be used as a writing prompt activity in rotating literacy groups.
Simply post the sheet on to a wall and ask the students to use some of the words in an illustrated short story.
Have a dictionary and thesaurus on hand.
5) SCRAMBLED VERBS Write some of the verbs (10 or so) in scrambled form (ywna for yawn) and ask your students to write out the correct version of the word.
You could give your students the list as a guide.