Since the first Lasik procedure was carried out in 1990, refractive eye surgery has been under continual development and innovation.
One major advance was the introduction of wavefront Lasik which was approved by the FDA in 2002.
This procedure involves first generating a 3D map of your eye.
This allows the surgeon to see refractive aberrations in 3D.
This map will later guide the laser in its reshaping of your eye's corneal surface to correct vision irregularities.
Here's the lowdown on this exciting technology.
What is Wavefront Lasik? Wavefront Lasik, also known as Custom Lasik surgery and Wavefront-Guided Lasik, uses 3-dimensional measurements of your eye's ability to focus.
The procedure uses the appropriately-named Aberrometer.
The aberrometer sends low-power laser light into the eye which reflects off the retina and passes back through the lens to a sensor.
The data from the sensor is then converted into a formula the surgeon uses to program a computer to control the laser that carries out the surgery.
So, such lasers used in Lasik procedures are identified as wavefront-guided or wavefront-optimized.
What are the Advantages of wavefront Lasik? Traditional Lasik eye examinations can only detect cylindrical and spherical corneal abnormalities.
The former causes astigmatism, the latter results in myopia and hyperopia (near sightedness and farsightedness).
These three are what are known as the lower-order aberrations.
Wavefront technology, however, can detect an unlimited number of abnormalities.
This means that if you have eye problems other than the three lower-order aberrations mentioned above, wavefront should be able to help you.
There is also a lessened risk of post-operation complications.
These commonly include glare, halos, and night vision problems.
Is There a Downside to its use? Custom Lasik usually costs significantly more than traditional Lasik, partly because a fee is paid to the device manufacturer for each procedure.
Is wavefront Lasik For You? Like conventional Lasik, custom Lasik cannot cure all vision problems.
So as always, it's important to discuss matters with your ophthalmologist or surgeon to determine if you are a suitable patient for wavefront Lasik.
Remember that wavefront Lasik offers no advantage to eyes with no irregularities or aberrations.
In a nutshell, custom Lasik's can help the quality of your vision in the right circumstances.
It offers a greater chance of achieving 20/20 vision, or better and reduces the possibility of night-vision disturbances and glare that afflict those who have undergone traditional Lasik.
After wavefront Lasik some over 90 per cent of patients enjoy 20/20 vision or better in contrast to 80 per cent who undergo traditional LASIK.
One major advance was the introduction of wavefront Lasik which was approved by the FDA in 2002.
This procedure involves first generating a 3D map of your eye.
This allows the surgeon to see refractive aberrations in 3D.
This map will later guide the laser in its reshaping of your eye's corneal surface to correct vision irregularities.
Here's the lowdown on this exciting technology.
What is Wavefront Lasik? Wavefront Lasik, also known as Custom Lasik surgery and Wavefront-Guided Lasik, uses 3-dimensional measurements of your eye's ability to focus.
The procedure uses the appropriately-named Aberrometer.
The aberrometer sends low-power laser light into the eye which reflects off the retina and passes back through the lens to a sensor.
The data from the sensor is then converted into a formula the surgeon uses to program a computer to control the laser that carries out the surgery.
So, such lasers used in Lasik procedures are identified as wavefront-guided or wavefront-optimized.
What are the Advantages of wavefront Lasik? Traditional Lasik eye examinations can only detect cylindrical and spherical corneal abnormalities.
The former causes astigmatism, the latter results in myopia and hyperopia (near sightedness and farsightedness).
These three are what are known as the lower-order aberrations.
Wavefront technology, however, can detect an unlimited number of abnormalities.
This means that if you have eye problems other than the three lower-order aberrations mentioned above, wavefront should be able to help you.
There is also a lessened risk of post-operation complications.
These commonly include glare, halos, and night vision problems.
Is There a Downside to its use? Custom Lasik usually costs significantly more than traditional Lasik, partly because a fee is paid to the device manufacturer for each procedure.
Is wavefront Lasik For You? Like conventional Lasik, custom Lasik cannot cure all vision problems.
So as always, it's important to discuss matters with your ophthalmologist or surgeon to determine if you are a suitable patient for wavefront Lasik.
Remember that wavefront Lasik offers no advantage to eyes with no irregularities or aberrations.
In a nutshell, custom Lasik's can help the quality of your vision in the right circumstances.
It offers a greater chance of achieving 20/20 vision, or better and reduces the possibility of night-vision disturbances and glare that afflict those who have undergone traditional Lasik.
After wavefront Lasik some over 90 per cent of patients enjoy 20/20 vision or better in contrast to 80 per cent who undergo traditional LASIK.