The carpet sharks and other deep sea dwellers often have flat noses like those of pigs. Few species have a snout shaped accurate. Hammerhead sharks, for example, have a shovel -shaped snout that looks like the head of a hammer. Their eyes and nostrils are located at the ends of its "hammer ". The muzzle of the mysterious goblin sharks is long, flat, pointed like a dagger. Saw sharks also have an elongated snout, flat and pointed, with fine teeth like needles and a pair of barbells, or lobes, fusiform attached to the snout in front of the nostrils. Sharks have also other nasal barbells. Members of the order of Orectolobiformes - carpet sharks barbells also have uniquely at the inner edges of the nostrils. Probably, the function of these barbells is "touch", and some researchers speculate that it may also be taste.
Sharks can lose thousands of teeth over his life and yet, always have to spare. Shark jaws have up to 20 rows of teeth and when they drop one another moves the next row for replacement.
Many animals die to lose their teeth because they cannot eat. This is the case with elephants, seals and other species, but not sharks are never without them. Their jaws have four to six (even up to twenty) rows of teeth, one behind the other. A shark can have up to 3,000 teeth in their mouth at once, and they are replaced by larger ones as the shark matures.
However, not used all at once, normally, the shark uses only the outermost row. If a shark loses a tooth breaking then it forward to replace automatically. The young sharks teeth can change every week, but when they become adults, this process is done every month or so. Due to its nature predatory sharks can have thousands of teeth throughout his life. Some change them one by one, while others, such as the spiny dogfish shark and cigar, change an entire row once.
Because sharks cannot move the jaw from side to side, cannot chew food. They swallow it whole, if sufficiently small, or bite to break it into smaller pieces if the prey is too large. The shape and size of the shark's teeth determines your diet, and no two species have exactly the same kind of teeth. Many sharks' inhabitants of the sea have flat, blunt teeth for crushing crabs and other crustaceans. Other assets sharks have sharp teeth in a saw to cut the fish, squid and octopuses. The long, pointed teeth of the great white shark, the longest of all shark species ever reach a length of more than 6 inches and are designed to grab and tear larger prey.
The filtering of food, like the whale shark, the basking and boquiancho have smaller teeth in proportion to their body size; they do not need to grab its prey. These sharks have to swim only on the surface with their mouths open, filtering the plankton through gill rakers as they move in the water.
Sharks can lose thousands of teeth over his life and yet, always have to spare. Shark jaws have up to 20 rows of teeth and when they drop one another moves the next row for replacement.
Many animals die to lose their teeth because they cannot eat. This is the case with elephants, seals and other species, but not sharks are never without them. Their jaws have four to six (even up to twenty) rows of teeth, one behind the other. A shark can have up to 3,000 teeth in their mouth at once, and they are replaced by larger ones as the shark matures.
However, not used all at once, normally, the shark uses only the outermost row. If a shark loses a tooth breaking then it forward to replace automatically. The young sharks teeth can change every week, but when they become adults, this process is done every month or so. Due to its nature predatory sharks can have thousands of teeth throughout his life. Some change them one by one, while others, such as the spiny dogfish shark and cigar, change an entire row once.
Because sharks cannot move the jaw from side to side, cannot chew food. They swallow it whole, if sufficiently small, or bite to break it into smaller pieces if the prey is too large. The shape and size of the shark's teeth determines your diet, and no two species have exactly the same kind of teeth. Many sharks' inhabitants of the sea have flat, blunt teeth for crushing crabs and other crustaceans. Other assets sharks have sharp teeth in a saw to cut the fish, squid and octopuses. The long, pointed teeth of the great white shark, the longest of all shark species ever reach a length of more than 6 inches and are designed to grab and tear larger prey.
The filtering of food, like the whale shark, the basking and boquiancho have smaller teeth in proportion to their body size; they do not need to grab its prey. These sharks have to swim only on the surface with their mouths open, filtering the plankton through gill rakers as they move in the water.