Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

5 Super Simple Ways To Keep People On Your Sales Page

We all know how tricky it can be to generate traffic to your sales letter. But it can be equally tricky to keep them there when you do, particularly if you dont hire a professional marketing copywriter!

The fact is, people have very short attention spans these days, especially when theyre using the internet. After all, theres just so much fun to be had! Theres Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, news sites and sports sites, and millions of other websites in your niche alone, jostling for attention and competing with you for customers.

So when you do achieve the impossible, and actually get someone to land on your sales letter, then you need to do everything in your power to keep them there, right the way down to the order button!

And to help you achieve just that, here are five handy tips to bear in mind when writing your next sales letter

#1 Write A Powerful Headline

The importance of the headline cannot be underestimated. If it doesnt hook in the reader straightaway, theyll more than likely leave before they even reach the meat of your sales message. Without being misleading in any way, your headline needs to be shocking, controversial, intriguing or funny, and it needs to contain the #1 benefit of your product.

Always remember that the main goal of a headline is to keep people on the page, so that they continue reading. Thats all the headline needs to do. So whether its you writing your next sales page or a professional marketing copywriter, be sure to give a lot of attention to the headline, because its absolutely crucial.

#2 - Hire A Good Designer

First impressions are crucial in life, whether youre on a date, in a job interview or viewing a home. And your website is no different.

You need to present your product (and your business) in the best possible light, because if you dont, youll be losing sales. Fact.

And you dont need to spend heaps of money on web design these days. There are many, many highly skilled designers out there, and because there are so many, prices are coming down all the time. So when youre creating your next sales page, be sure to give the design (almost) as much attention as the copy!

#3 Break Up The Text

No one enjoys having to read long streams of unbroken copy on a sales letter. It doesnt look good, and just the site of it looks like hard work! And if thats the first impression your prospect gets when they land on your page, theyll be gone before you know it.

One simple way of ensuring that your copy is easy to read, and keeps the prospect hooked is to utilise sub-headers. These are essentially mini-headlines that can be slotted in between various paragraphs to retain the attention of the reader and reiterate certain benefits.

For example, if you were selling a weight loss product, one of your sub-headlines could read as follows: So how exactly did I manage to shed 12 lbs in just 2 weeks?!

A sub-header like this would certainly get peoples attention, retain their interest and keep them reading further down the page.

#4 - Use Bullet Points

Like sub-headers, bullet points are great for grabbing the attention of skim readers. After all, in todays fast paced world, not many people will read your ENTIRE sales letter, however good it might be.

So when they start to scroll down the page, you need something to draw them back in, or they might not get to see the main benefits of your product. And conveniently, bullet points not only allow you to hook in skim readers, theyre also a perfect tool for listing the biggest benefits of your product!

#5 Check Your Copy For Basic Errors

For anyone to trust you and purchase from you, they need to be sure that youre a professional. And in order to show that you are, you need to get the basics right first. After all, if your sales page reads poorly, and is littered with spelling mistakes and typos, you cant blame someone for not having faith in you.

Your website or sales page represents you and your business, so it needs to look the part. You wouldnt hire someone if they turned up to an interview looking scruffy and unkempt, because it demonstrates a lack of standards. And likewise, no one will buy from you if your website makes the same mistake.

So whatever you do, always read through your website/sales copy and check it for basic errors.

If you pay attention to those 5 things, then your sales letter will look neater, tidier, more professional, and more appealing to your prospects.
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