Congratulations on having had your colonoscopy...
wasn't so bad, was it? You have joined an elite group of Americans...
Unfortunately people are not getting their colonoscopy done! Now it's time to join in a vast army of colonoscopy naggers, and accept my 'Cheek Check Challenge'! Early detection of colon cancer leads to cure in 90%, yet we only detect 38% in the early stages.
It attacks men and women equally, and will beset 6% of Americans.
Although most major insurers now cover colon cancer screening by colonoscopy for average risk, assymptomatic patients over 50...
• Only a disappointing 20% at age 50 or older have an annual rectal exam and stool test for blood • Only 30% of at 50 or above had flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy over the last five years • And 60% of patients say that their MDs didn't recommend colon cancer screening! They don't know that they're supposed to have one! I dare YOU to take the 'Cheek Check Challenge'! Stand up, and reach your hands down low behind you and grab.
You should now be in contact with your own behind.
Count your number of buttocks.
This should be easy.
Most people have two.
The 'Cheek Check Challenge' will honor your two buttocks, and the vertical smile between.
I challenge you, for the next twenty-five consecutive days after reading this issue (and having had your colonoscopy done), to recommend to two people per day (one in honor of each buttock) that they have a colonoscopy.
For the next 25 days, recommend colonoscopy to YOUR family, friends, coworkers, or acquaintances over age 50.
Your mailman, your minister, rabbi, or pastor, your dry cleaning clerk.
Your next door neighbor.
Your spouse.
Your best friends.
Your Christmas card list.
Your child's soccer coach or teacher.
Your mother-in-law.
Your brother.
Everybody's got a colon...
just trust me on this.
Just two a day...
that's both your goal and your limit.
Number a sheet of paper, from one to fifty, and write down their names as you tell them, these people who touch your life.
These people who you may have influenced with your real life story of how simple colonoscopy is, and how potentially lifesaving.
If you tell two family, friends, or coworkers per day, and they get a colonoscopy done...
and you do the 'Cheek Check Challenge' for the twenty-five days I asked of you...
THREE people close to YOU will have early detection or prevention of a colon cancer! Not a bad twenty five days work! Congratulations! YOU have completed the Cheek Check Challenge! Now give me a big vertical smile!
wasn't so bad, was it? You have joined an elite group of Americans...
Unfortunately people are not getting their colonoscopy done! Now it's time to join in a vast army of colonoscopy naggers, and accept my 'Cheek Check Challenge'! Early detection of colon cancer leads to cure in 90%, yet we only detect 38% in the early stages.
It attacks men and women equally, and will beset 6% of Americans.
Although most major insurers now cover colon cancer screening by colonoscopy for average risk, assymptomatic patients over 50...
• Only a disappointing 20% at age 50 or older have an annual rectal exam and stool test for blood • Only 30% of at 50 or above had flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy over the last five years • And 60% of patients say that their MDs didn't recommend colon cancer screening! They don't know that they're supposed to have one! I dare YOU to take the 'Cheek Check Challenge'! Stand up, and reach your hands down low behind you and grab.
You should now be in contact with your own behind.
Count your number of buttocks.
This should be easy.
Most people have two.
The 'Cheek Check Challenge' will honor your two buttocks, and the vertical smile between.
I challenge you, for the next twenty-five consecutive days after reading this issue (and having had your colonoscopy done), to recommend to two people per day (one in honor of each buttock) that they have a colonoscopy.
For the next 25 days, recommend colonoscopy to YOUR family, friends, coworkers, or acquaintances over age 50.
Your mailman, your minister, rabbi, or pastor, your dry cleaning clerk.
Your next door neighbor.
Your spouse.
Your best friends.
Your Christmas card list.
Your child's soccer coach or teacher.
Your mother-in-law.
Your brother.
Everybody's got a colon...
just trust me on this.
Just two a day...
that's both your goal and your limit.
Number a sheet of paper, from one to fifty, and write down their names as you tell them, these people who touch your life.
These people who you may have influenced with your real life story of how simple colonoscopy is, and how potentially lifesaving.
If you tell two family, friends, or coworkers per day, and they get a colonoscopy done...
and you do the 'Cheek Check Challenge' for the twenty-five days I asked of you...
THREE people close to YOU will have early detection or prevention of a colon cancer! Not a bad twenty five days work! Congratulations! YOU have completed the Cheek Check Challenge! Now give me a big vertical smile!