Here's how to blow up your trading account: Buy up on as many different stocks as you can until you run out of funds.
Only impatient desperate greedy little investors will put their money in jeopardy with such a gamble.
It's impossible to watch and manage multiple stocks at the same time.
One stock in your portfolio goes up and you don't worry about it.
But that successful stock may distract you from taking corrective action on another stock you should disown because the lost from it neutralized all your winning stocks' profits.
Trading too many stocks at the same time is a sign you are bored with the progress of your account.
You feel you need to give your account a stimulus by doing something which is to buy more stocks you think will go up.
Maybe your account is down and by doubling the number of shares of the stock, prices only have to go back up 50% of where they where at to break even.
But how do you know for sure you purchased these additional shares at the bottom? You could have a profit in your account and think it's time to make even more money by buying more stock.
With a big cushion you think you can afford to be a little sloppy in your stock selection.
But what's the likelihood of having a string of consecutive winning trades? Juggling too many stocks at the same time isn't easy.
Acquiring more stocks doesn't mean you make more money.
Avoid the more is better greed trap that will destroy all your hard earned profits.
Only impatient desperate greedy little investors will put their money in jeopardy with such a gamble.
It's impossible to watch and manage multiple stocks at the same time.
One stock in your portfolio goes up and you don't worry about it.
But that successful stock may distract you from taking corrective action on another stock you should disown because the lost from it neutralized all your winning stocks' profits.
Trading too many stocks at the same time is a sign you are bored with the progress of your account.
You feel you need to give your account a stimulus by doing something which is to buy more stocks you think will go up.
Maybe your account is down and by doubling the number of shares of the stock, prices only have to go back up 50% of where they where at to break even.
But how do you know for sure you purchased these additional shares at the bottom? You could have a profit in your account and think it's time to make even more money by buying more stock.
With a big cushion you think you can afford to be a little sloppy in your stock selection.
But what's the likelihood of having a string of consecutive winning trades? Juggling too many stocks at the same time isn't easy.
Acquiring more stocks doesn't mean you make more money.
Avoid the more is better greed trap that will destroy all your hard earned profits.