When you think about mosquito control with netting, you can break it down into individual control and public control.
Although many cities, states and countries may provide some sort of regulated mosquito control, you will probably also want to get rid of the pesky critters that plague your surroundings.
Mosquito netting is a great solution too.
Government pest control agencies may use pesticides in areas where there is a heavy population of mosquitoes, but that might not be enough to deter these insects.
Bottom line you have to protect yourself form these little skeeters.
Mosquitoes are actually flies that will bite humans and animals, leaving itchy red welts that can bother you for days.
For your own personal mosquito control, you might want to purchase insect repellent that contains DEET to keep the bugs from biting.
You can get repellants in sprays, creams, sticks, and liquids.
Another popular type of mosquito control is the burning of citronella oil.
The smoke from these candles or burners will keep the mosquitoes away, but in heavily windy conditions, the citronella may prove to be useless in keeping the mosquitoes away.
Other options are to spray your camping gear and clothing with Permethrin, which is also an insecticide.
Although many cities, states and countries may provide some sort of regulated mosquito control, you will probably also want to get rid of the pesky critters that plague your surroundings.
Mosquito netting is a great solution too.
Government pest control agencies may use pesticides in areas where there is a heavy population of mosquitoes, but that might not be enough to deter these insects.
Bottom line you have to protect yourself form these little skeeters.
Mosquitoes are actually flies that will bite humans and animals, leaving itchy red welts that can bother you for days.
For your own personal mosquito control, you might want to purchase insect repellent that contains DEET to keep the bugs from biting.
You can get repellants in sprays, creams, sticks, and liquids.
Another popular type of mosquito control is the burning of citronella oil.
The smoke from these candles or burners will keep the mosquitoes away, but in heavily windy conditions, the citronella may prove to be useless in keeping the mosquitoes away.
Other options are to spray your camping gear and clothing with Permethrin, which is also an insecticide.