Have you been told (or suspect) that your child has ADD or AD/HD? Do you hear things like,
"Not this!" You don't want your child to feel like a misfit--or be labeled negatively, so do you resist it? Or do you succumb, yet feel guilty? And with medication, things get better, but not much? Or get worse? Or you don't want to consider such drastic options? And meanwhile, this kid is driving you NUTS, with all the battles over homework, losing things, forgetting things, and so on? Did you know that many successful people have had ADD or AD/HD? Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci, and Winston Churchill did, among others.
In fact, some studies show that 70-80% of entrepreneurs and CEO's have ADD or AD/HD.
There's hope! Your child is not doomed to a life of frustration and failure just because of this diagnosis! And neither are you.
ADD or AD/HD can be a controversial diagnosis, and so are some medications and other treatments prescribed for it.
Sometimes they help; sometimes they make things worse.
Experts contradict each other.
How can one sort it all out? Get the Facts, not the Myths: Did you know that
Understanding brain dominance is critical to helping your ADD child do well in school and in life.
Western Civilization and our school systems are Left-Brain Dominant, and have been that way since the dawn of the Scientific Age and the development of the printing press in the 1400's & 1500's.
Since then, we have been through the Industrial Age and are now in the midst of a world-wide culture shift from the Information Age into the Conceptual Age.
You can see thatwe need creative, energetic people more now than ever.
Many left-brain jobs full of repetitive tasks and analytical calculations are now being done by robots or outsourced overseas.
The skills most in demand in the future will be creative, divergent thinking and people-oriented--the very things that Right-Brain people excel at! If your child (or you) are having trouble right now, take heart! Right-Brain Dominant people are in a perfect position to help shape the future of our world, just like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! Remember the story? Rudolph got banished to the Land of MisFit Toys because of his red nose.
Later, it was his nose that helped him save the day for everyone.
Like Rudolph, those labeled with ADD or AD/HD can take courage in knowing that their supposed disability--the very thing that now makes them a misfit--can be the very thing that will help them save the day for everyone! ©2006-2007 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, LCSW
o This child is smart, but doesn't do her homework or reading assignments.
o Her mind is always somewhere else, except when she's playing or talking to her classmates.
o He's just too sensitive and too emotional.
o She's creative; just not with school work.
o He'll only pay attention if he likes the subject; then he won't leave it alone.
o She's a smart kid--what's WRONG?! (with you, the parent, of course)"Oh NO!" You think to yourself.
"Not this!" You don't want your child to feel like a misfit--or be labeled negatively, so do you resist it? Or do you succumb, yet feel guilty? And with medication, things get better, but not much? Or get worse? Or you don't want to consider such drastic options? And meanwhile, this kid is driving you NUTS, with all the battles over homework, losing things, forgetting things, and so on? Did you know that many successful people have had ADD or AD/HD? Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci, and Winston Churchill did, among others.
In fact, some studies show that 70-80% of entrepreneurs and CEO's have ADD or AD/HD.
There's hope! Your child is not doomed to a life of frustration and failure just because of this diagnosis! And neither are you.
ADD or AD/HD can be a controversial diagnosis, and so are some medications and other treatments prescribed for it.
Sometimes they help; sometimes they make things worse.
Experts contradict each other.
How can one sort it all out? Get the Facts, not the Myths: Did you know that
o Five to ten percent of all children may fit the ADD/AD/HD description
o This percentage is growing every year.
o (The RIGHT) medication or alternative supplement DOES help, but
o Medication or supplements alone are NOT enough.
o New research shows that there are six kinds of ADD, not two or three.
o All kids-and adults-who have ADD and many who are Gifted or Highly Sensitive are visual-spatial learners and thinkers, more commonly known as Right-Brain Dominant people.Who are these Right-Brain Dominantpeople?
o They think in concepts and connections.
o Their memory is visual in nature.
o Repetition shuts off their brain.
o They think in patterns and possibilities.
In contrast, Left-Brain Dominant People--o They use intuitive, inductive, divergent reasoning.
Do you recognize your kids here? Yourself? Your spouse? Teacher(s)? Boss? Employees? The differing world view created by this one simple thing-brain dominance can create huge gaps in values and of course, communication.o Think methodically and sequentially.
o Have an auditory memory.
o Learn by repetition o Are detail oriented, analytical thinkers.
o Use deductive, convergent reasoning.
Understanding brain dominance is critical to helping your ADD child do well in school and in life.
Western Civilization and our school systems are Left-Brain Dominant, and have been that way since the dawn of the Scientific Age and the development of the printing press in the 1400's & 1500's.
Since then, we have been through the Industrial Age and are now in the midst of a world-wide culture shift from the Information Age into the Conceptual Age.
You can see thatwe need creative, energetic people more now than ever.
Many left-brain jobs full of repetitive tasks and analytical calculations are now being done by robots or outsourced overseas.
The skills most in demand in the future will be creative, divergent thinking and people-oriented--the very things that Right-Brain people excel at! If your child (or you) are having trouble right now, take heart! Right-Brain Dominant people are in a perfect position to help shape the future of our world, just like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! Remember the story? Rudolph got banished to the Land of MisFit Toys because of his red nose.
Later, it was his nose that helped him save the day for everyone.
Like Rudolph, those labeled with ADD or AD/HD can take courage in knowing that their supposed disability--the very thing that now makes them a misfit--can be the very thing that will help them save the day for everyone! ©2006-2007 Sharon M Barnes, MSSW, LCSW