Nutritious, low calorie, high fiber, low fat, small meals, with plenty of fluids as warm green tea and drinking at least three litres of water helps reduce obesity. Fat burning ingredients like Tamarind (contains hydrocitric acid which helps curb the appetite and inhibits the formation of unwanted fats), green teas, saffron and black peppers (increase the metabolism of the body) and chromium picolinate (maintains insulin efficiency) also play a part in reducing obesity. Stimulating massages and kapaal bhatti breathing, sauna and steam baths also help in reducing obesity. Regular exercise and gradual increase of more than moderate exercises or any physical activity helps one to keep in shape. Sit in apaan mudra, (join the tips of middle and ring finger with the tip of thumb, other fingers straight-palm facing up) for daily meditation, visualisaion and affirmation. It helps in eliminating and reducing constipation. A diet without any wheat or its products, a table spoon of flax seeds and plenty of green tea drinks has shown very good results in weight reduction.
Exercise moderately:
Regular exercise routine should be a part of the life style. A healthy individual should go for cardio exercises while a person with known heart disease should undertake balancing and strengthening exercises and increase them gradually. Chelation therapy (see alternate therapies) has shown a very good promise in opening up the blocked arteries of the heart and the body. Sanjivini or life giving mudra – bend the index finger and touch tips of middle and ring finger with thumb, and energise the heart chakra with the green light and AH /AA sound. Visualise love and joy enfolded in a bright light flowing in your body from your heart and spreading out all over. As you breathe, love and joy enters your body and again through the heart spread all over your body and spread out. Affirm daily to elevate low self esteem, bottled up emotional feelings, lack of love feeling and insecurity. Say to yourself, ‘love is flowing through my body. Joy is flowing in my body and mind. I am spreading joy and it is coming back to me.' Spending some time in the sunshine daily like a walk or a game provides
with benefits of vitamin D, and stimulation of body and mind. Learn to relax, meditate and be joyful.
If you are looking for more information about health tips, or supplementation, please visit, the health care authority site with a lot of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.
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Exercise moderately:
Regular exercise routine should be a part of the life style. A healthy individual should go for cardio exercises while a person with known heart disease should undertake balancing and strengthening exercises and increase them gradually. Chelation therapy (see alternate therapies) has shown a very good promise in opening up the blocked arteries of the heart and the body. Sanjivini or life giving mudra – bend the index finger and touch tips of middle and ring finger with thumb, and energise the heart chakra with the green light and AH /AA sound. Visualise love and joy enfolded in a bright light flowing in your body from your heart and spreading out all over. As you breathe, love and joy enters your body and again through the heart spread all over your body and spread out. Affirm daily to elevate low self esteem, bottled up emotional feelings, lack of love feeling and insecurity. Say to yourself, ‘love is flowing through my body. Joy is flowing in my body and mind. I am spreading joy and it is coming back to me.' Spending some time in the sunshine daily like a walk or a game provides
with benefits of vitamin D, and stimulation of body and mind. Learn to relax, meditate and be joyful.
If you are looking for more information about health tips, or supplementation, please visit, the health care authority site with a lot of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.
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