Your blog is up and running and you are quite pleased with your efforts.
It looks good and the content is original, informative and interesting.
However, you are still not getting any traffic to your blog.
Sound familiar? There is no one, 'best' way to drive traffic to your blog.
There are multiple ways and the more methods that you have of driving traffic to your blog, the better your results will be.
Here is a useful guide to getting that all important traffic.
Forum posting is a great way to let people know about the existence of your blog.
Ideally, the forum should be related to the content or theme of your blog.
It is very important to post informative content on the forum.
Otherwise you will be regarded as a spammer.
For best results just have your blog's URL in your signature box and don't mention your blog in the content part of your post.
Submit links to directories and other websites.
These directories and websites should be topic-related to your blog and your blog posts.
See my other article on how to submit your blog to directories.
Have an opt-in newsletter on your blog.
Providing your users with a newsletter of related topics is a great way of amassing an audience and gaining traffic.
Make sure your blog has an RSS feed plug-in.
This is an alert service that tells people when a website has been updated.
Your readers will be updated to new posts and your traffic will increase as a result.
Post on other people's blogs.
Include your blog's URL in your signature box and give informative and interesting insights on other blogs.
Do not spam or you will get the reputation as a user rather than a giver.
For best results, try and befriend the blog owner.
YouTube is a great medium for earning traffic.
Post your own video on a subject related to your blog and include your blog's URL.
To get even better results find a very popular video in a related area and ask the submitter of the video if you can post your own video as a response.
By doing this, you are piggy-backing on a successful video and as a result you can get a much larger audience to than putting up a video as an unknown.
Try and build a profile on social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.
Include details of your blog, and as a result you will be able to get traffic to go to your site.
Many of these sites have groups of people who are interested in similar things.
Find a group whose interests relate to your blog's theme and let them know that your blog exists.
By doing this, you are driving qualified traffic to your blog.
It is important to note that there is no 'best' way of driving traffic to your blog.
There are many different options available.
Pick one strategy at a time and then include others.
The more ways you have of bringing traffic to your blog the better your results will be.
It looks good and the content is original, informative and interesting.
However, you are still not getting any traffic to your blog.
Sound familiar? There is no one, 'best' way to drive traffic to your blog.
There are multiple ways and the more methods that you have of driving traffic to your blog, the better your results will be.
Here is a useful guide to getting that all important traffic.
Forum posting is a great way to let people know about the existence of your blog.
Ideally, the forum should be related to the content or theme of your blog.
It is very important to post informative content on the forum.
Otherwise you will be regarded as a spammer.
For best results just have your blog's URL in your signature box and don't mention your blog in the content part of your post.
Submit links to directories and other websites.
These directories and websites should be topic-related to your blog and your blog posts.
See my other article on how to submit your blog to directories.
Have an opt-in newsletter on your blog.
Providing your users with a newsletter of related topics is a great way of amassing an audience and gaining traffic.
Make sure your blog has an RSS feed plug-in.
This is an alert service that tells people when a website has been updated.
Your readers will be updated to new posts and your traffic will increase as a result.
Post on other people's blogs.
Include your blog's URL in your signature box and give informative and interesting insights on other blogs.
Do not spam or you will get the reputation as a user rather than a giver.
For best results, try and befriend the blog owner.
YouTube is a great medium for earning traffic.
Post your own video on a subject related to your blog and include your blog's URL.
To get even better results find a very popular video in a related area and ask the submitter of the video if you can post your own video as a response.
By doing this, you are piggy-backing on a successful video and as a result you can get a much larger audience to than putting up a video as an unknown.
Try and build a profile on social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.
Include details of your blog, and as a result you will be able to get traffic to go to your site.
Many of these sites have groups of people who are interested in similar things.
Find a group whose interests relate to your blog's theme and let them know that your blog exists.
By doing this, you are driving qualified traffic to your blog.
It is important to note that there is no 'best' way of driving traffic to your blog.
There are many different options available.
Pick one strategy at a time and then include others.
The more ways you have of bringing traffic to your blog the better your results will be.