Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Five Tips to Save Your Photo from Blur

Five Tips to Save Your Photo from Blur

For shooting handheld indoors, we often get blur works due to indoor light is not bright enough, but how do you control handheld camera shake? For the reason like this or others, blur photo is a commo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Digital SLR Cameras - Controlling the Focus and Exposure

Digital SLR Cameras - Controlling the Focus and Exposure

Here are a couple of simple tips that will allow you to overcome two of the main problems people have using SLR cameras such as the Cannon rebel digital SLR - controlling the focus and taking well exposed pictures. Most modern cameras, especially SLR s are very good at focusing on the object that is

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Tips on Buying a Camera System

Tips on Buying a Camera System

Buying the right photographic equipment cannot be rushed. To avoid regrets and wastefulness your purchasing decision must be based on a solid foundation - not on what the adverts tell us. A number of questions will guide us in reaching a decision.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Transfer an 8mm Cine to a DVD

How to Transfer an 8mm Cine to a DVD

Not so long ago, 8mm cine film was the primary format for most video applications. However, it is long since obsolete. Because so many films and home movies were recorded on 8mm are degrading, there is a high demand for transferring the footage to a more modern, stable format such as a DVD.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Wedding Photographers in Aberdeen

Wedding Photographers in Aberdeen

A perfect picture is worth a thousand words and an experienced wedding photographer manages to convey these emotions in the best possible manner. For those brides looking for the perfect wedding photographer, here's my two ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Troubleshoot Low Wattage Lighting

How to Troubleshoot Low Wattage Lighting

Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, or energy-saving light bulbs, are designed to consume a low number of watts. Household CFL bulbs are generally rated 10 to 15 watts, which means they use up much less wattage than 60- to 100-watt incandescent bulbs. If your low wattage bulb is not working, you

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Best Destination Romantic Weddings in Mexico

Best Destination Romantic Weddings in Mexico

Hottest wedding destination in the world is in Mexico. You have to be prepared with all the rules and regulations, if you are planning a Mexico wedding.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Best SLR For Beginners

The Best SLR For Beginners

If your just getting started with digital cameras and wondering, what's the best SLR for beginners, you've come to the right place.While there can be quite a few to choose from, this article should simplify your buying process considerably. It's about time you began acting your age, a

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Internal Structure of Steadicam

The Internal Structure of Steadicam

You may have heard that "good items come in threes", if that's the case then Steadicam will need to be a great factor! This post aims to simplify the anatomy of Steadicam by dividing it ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Do a Digital Photo Fusion Collage

How to Do a Digital Photo Fusion Collage

A variety of photo editing programs is available to aid you in making photo collages or other photo-based pages. FotoFusion is one program that gives you many options for producing collages, by simply dragging and dropping photos onto a layout page. You can also customize the colors, text font and o

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Your Own Magazine

How to Make Your Own Magazine

In some ways, the print medium is dying, but in others, it's a thriving form of communication. Thanks to new software and printing technology, it's extremely easy to create a magazine of your very own. You could print a one-shot magazine, covering articles of interest. If you're ambitious, you could

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Video Tripod and Camera Bag

Video Tripod and Camera Bag

Getting a camera or video camera is a great way to be able to keep a record of things, to make videos and take pictures and to create media that can be a part of websites, magazines or other creations. There are plenty of reasons why anyone should own a video camera and they are a fantastic purchase

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Photograph a Cemetery

How to Photograph a Cemetery

Cemeteries are are windows into past cultures, a study of the “haves” and “have-nots.” Despite the perceived morbidity, cemeteries are peaceful and poetic places.Respect is important when photographing cemeteries. Remember that families are there along with their monument

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Starting With Photo Editing Effects

Starting With Photo Editing Effects

Do you ever feel shy or guilty using image editing software like Photoshop? You shouldn't be as editing digital images with like software is part of a person's artistic freedom. All magazines and online publications benefit from the use of Photoshop one way or another. This type of softwar

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Wedding Photography - Wrongly Undervalued

Wedding Photography - Wrongly Undervalued

The importance of wedding photography should not be underestimated. After all, the couple would be capturing the most important day of their lives

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Tips and Tricks of Better Portrait Photography

Tips and Tricks of Better Portrait Photography

A good portrait tells us lot of stories and also brings out the true personality of the person who is in it. However, it is not difficult to take better portraits. With some tips and tricks, your portraits will improve dramatically. This article will show you some simple tricks you can follow and ti

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Light Box Instructions

Light Box Instructions

If you've ever looked at an ad for something that seemed to show the product suspended over a blank field and wondered how it was done, you've witnessed the effects of a light box. Light boxes are tools used by photographers to control the level of light used on a product to eliminate or diminish sh

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Advantages and Disadvantages of Pesticides

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pesticides

Pesticides are incredibly important to industrial-scale, input heavy agriculture, although they are also used in the small scale on home horticulture and agriculture projects. They are usually sprayed by handheld dispensers or from overhead, by low-flying aircraft or automated irrigation systems. Th