Pets & Animal: Feed Your Horse For Weight Gain

Feed Your Horse For Weight Gain

What’s the best feed for putting weight on a horse? Learn how to help your horse gain weight and what to check when a horse is in poor condition

Pets & Animal: Instructions on How to Make a Wooden Saddle Stand

Instructions on How to Make a Wooden Saddle Stand

With all of the money spent on saddles, you should have a place to store them while you are not using them. Saddle stands help keep your equipment in proper working order, while giving you a place to show the saddle off. In order to support the saddle to keep its shape, you should use a saddle stand

Pets & Animal: Building Efficient Horse Barns

Building Efficient Horse Barns

An efficient horse barn would not only save you more money, time, and effort but improve your horses' quality as well.

Pets & Animal: How to Outfit a Horse Trailer

How to Outfit a Horse Trailer

If you own a horse, buying a horse trailer is a smart decision. You never know when an emergency will strike. Having a horse trailer available allows you to move your animals quickly if you need to get them out of harm's way. However, buying a horse trailer is only the beginning. Properly outfitting

Pets & Animal: List of Horse Necessities & Costs

List of Horse Necessities & Costs

Keeping horses can be expensive.horses image by Earl Robbins from Fotolia.comOwning a horse can be a very rewarding experience, but it is not a cheap one. Horses are large animals, and they require specialized care, including regular hoof care and trimming, good veterinary care and...

Pets & Animal: Ideas for Horse Braiding

Ideas for Horse Braiding

Horse braiding is a popular technique used for decoration as well as function. The beautiful hair of a horse is well-suited to braids of all types. Depending on the need for a braid, different techniques can be applied. Learning how to show off the mane and tail of your horse is a practical and enga

Pets & Animal: How to Size Children's Horse Saddles

How to Size Children's Horse Saddles

Children's saddles are the same as adult saddles, though they are physically smaller. Both English and Western saddles come in children's sizes. Saddle sizes are measured by the physical size of the seat. Children's English saddle sizes range from 12 inches to 16 inches and come in half sizes in som

Pets & Animal: How To Treat Cribbing

How To Treat Cribbing

Cribbing or wind sucking is an activity where a horse grips on an edge, usually a wooden fence or a stable door, with his front teeth. In order to do this act, the horse arches his neck and swallows air.

Pets & Animal: Ways to Use a Sling on a Horse

Ways to Use a Sling on a Horse

Slings are useful in lifting an older or arthritic horse, for an emergency rescue, support during surgery and recovery after anesthesia, as an aid in injury rehabilitation and in treating severe laminitis. A sling provides full skeletal body and head support while lifting, transporting or caring for

Pets & Animal: How to Test for Dun Factor in Horses

How to Test for Dun Factor in Horses

The dun color gene in horses is a dominant gene, so it can't skip a generation. In order for a horse to test positive for the dun gene, one parent must also carry the gene. Dun is classified as a "dilute" gene, meaning it will dilute the base color of a horse. A sorrel or red horse carrying the dun

Pets & Animal: How to Tell if a Horse is Frightened

How to Tell if a Horse is Frightened

Horses are amazing animals. They need very little in the way of vocalization to make themselves understood. Almost anyone with a willingness to study them can learn how to read their body language. Here's how to know when your horse is frightened.

Pets & Animal: Round Pen Training - 4 Signs Your Horse Wants to Talk

Round Pen Training - 4 Signs Your Horse Wants to Talk

Horse round pen training was made famous by the Horse Whisperer, but the truth is you don't have to be a magician to be able to do it yourself. All it takes is knowing how to recognize the signs the horse is using to communicate with you. In this article, we're going to describe a process

Pets & Animal: What Animals Are Dependent on Humans?

What Animals Are Dependent on Humans?

While human beings can be considered just another part of the animal kingdom, they have become the dominant animal species on the planet. Most animal species can live independently of humans in the wild, but either by chance or design there are many animals that now rely on humans for survival.

Pets & Animal: How to Discipline a Horse

How to Discipline a Horse

Horses are amazing animals. They are strong, intelligent and eager to please. When the equine you are working with acts up, there are several things to consider and many ways to remedy the problem. Disciplining your horse depends upon his temperament, why he acted up, how far along he is in his trai

Pets & Animal: The Homozygous Tobiano Paint Horse

The Homozygous Tobiano Paint Horse

The first "tobiano" was said to have been brought over to the New World from Spain in 1519 by an explorer named Hernando Cortes. According to history they were in fact among some horses brought over to carry Cortes's men and later breed with American wild mustangs, which did indeed pr