I bet that at some point in the past, you have thought of getting rid of your man boobs, only for seconds later to fall down in despair and embarrassment.
To be honest, there is no reason whatsoever to be embarrassed. Enlarged breasts, or gynecomastia (to give it the proper medical name), is common in teenage boys and men of all ages, and breast reduction surgery is increasingly popular. In actual fact, in the US it's the fourth most popular cosmetic surgery amongst men, with nearly 20,000 of them performed on a yearly basis.
Ask the experts.
Before you jump right in, have a talk with your GP. There are a few ways in which to get rid of your man boobs, exercising, dieting and Gynexin pills. And in the case of teenage boys, the condition resolves itself over time, so give the various methods a chance before going under the surgeon's knife.
For a number of guys, however, Gynecomastia can only be treated by surgery. If this is the case, always consult your GP, who will refer you to a surgeon, who in turn, will advise you on every aspect of the operation process.
The operation
Mammoplasty, which is the medical term for the procedure, normally lasts between 60 and 90 minutes, although some extensive surgery may be longer. One issue you must consider is, are you going to have general or conscious sedation. The goal of the operation is mainly to reduce the breast size, by removing the fatty breast tissue, and may also reposition and alter the shape of the areola as well as the removal of excess skin.
If the problem is mainly excess fatty tissue, liposuction may be employed, were a hollow metal tube (cannula) is inserted into one or two small incisions, normally under the armpit or areola area, and moved back and forth under the skin to loosen extra fat, which is then removed by vacuum suction
If actual glandular breast tissue and skin have to be removed, excisions are employed. A scalpel is used to cut away tissue, skin and fat. The pattern of the incision varies, but usually it's made around the areola or under the arm. In some cases a combination of the two techniques will be used.
The risks
As with any surgical procedure, there can be several risk factors involved. Your GP will go through these with you before the operation. These include:
⢠Swelling, pain and scaring
⢠Sensitivity changes to breast or nipple
⢠Changes and irregularities in shape
⢠Skin decolouration
Swelling, pain, bruising and discomfort can all be expected for some days after the operation. You will be able to return to work a day or two later, and the stitches can be removed a week or two later. An elastic pressure bandage will probably need to be worn for a week or two and a little longer at night.
Strenuous work, heavy exercise and sexual activity should be avoided for about a month after the operation. Swelling will go down around a week after, but it may take up to three months before the full results of the operation become apparent.
Why not give Gynexin a try at [http://www.manbreastgone.com] after considering the above. No pain, no recovery and no big costs. Oh yea and of course no more man boobs.
To be honest, there is no reason whatsoever to be embarrassed. Enlarged breasts, or gynecomastia (to give it the proper medical name), is common in teenage boys and men of all ages, and breast reduction surgery is increasingly popular. In actual fact, in the US it's the fourth most popular cosmetic surgery amongst men, with nearly 20,000 of them performed on a yearly basis.
Ask the experts.
Before you jump right in, have a talk with your GP. There are a few ways in which to get rid of your man boobs, exercising, dieting and Gynexin pills. And in the case of teenage boys, the condition resolves itself over time, so give the various methods a chance before going under the surgeon's knife.
For a number of guys, however, Gynecomastia can only be treated by surgery. If this is the case, always consult your GP, who will refer you to a surgeon, who in turn, will advise you on every aspect of the operation process.
The operation
Mammoplasty, which is the medical term for the procedure, normally lasts between 60 and 90 minutes, although some extensive surgery may be longer. One issue you must consider is, are you going to have general or conscious sedation. The goal of the operation is mainly to reduce the breast size, by removing the fatty breast tissue, and may also reposition and alter the shape of the areola as well as the removal of excess skin.
If the problem is mainly excess fatty tissue, liposuction may be employed, were a hollow metal tube (cannula) is inserted into one or two small incisions, normally under the armpit or areola area, and moved back and forth under the skin to loosen extra fat, which is then removed by vacuum suction
If actual glandular breast tissue and skin have to be removed, excisions are employed. A scalpel is used to cut away tissue, skin and fat. The pattern of the incision varies, but usually it's made around the areola or under the arm. In some cases a combination of the two techniques will be used.
The risks
As with any surgical procedure, there can be several risk factors involved. Your GP will go through these with you before the operation. These include:
⢠Swelling, pain and scaring
⢠Sensitivity changes to breast or nipple
⢠Changes and irregularities in shape
⢠Skin decolouration
Swelling, pain, bruising and discomfort can all be expected for some days after the operation. You will be able to return to work a day or two later, and the stitches can be removed a week or two later. An elastic pressure bandage will probably need to be worn for a week or two and a little longer at night.
Strenuous work, heavy exercise and sexual activity should be avoided for about a month after the operation. Swelling will go down around a week after, but it may take up to three months before the full results of the operation become apparent.
Why not give Gynexin a try at [http://www.manbreastgone.com] after considering the above. No pain, no recovery and no big costs. Oh yea and of course no more man boobs.