HUSBAND House band Under a lot of stress Supposed to be a lot of things Because he loves wife and family Always to be depended upon Not permitted to be down or domineering Daddy, encourager, and provider.
These are just some of the roles Some of the emotions That go with being a husband and dad Feelings glad, sad, and mad He-motions often not communicated Not desirous nor even welcomed Nevertheless such thoughts occur Hurt, wound, and sour The loving marital relationship The ability for dad to nourish and equip His kids to succeed in this dog-eat-dog world Sometimes even dad feels devoured Done in by life's circumstances Chances that did not materialize Into personal and professional advances Nevertheless he continues to believe Move by faith and take chances To advance himself and his family To be all he can fully be To do all he can in his power do To say to his family, "I love you.
" Sadly however many times The house bond comes up empty handed Complaining and ingrateful wife and kids Demoralize him, taking from him his will to live Of course their effect on him is often unknown Because bid daddy endures a lot And rarely is it visible or outwardly shown.
Therefore here is an encouraging poem To uplift and help the house bond The happy and unhappy husband To salute the dad who endures a lot And in his own life, feels like he's not got Nevertheless he gives and gives some more Hoping one day that God above will open the door Enabling him to enter and fulfill his own dreams Often are there times when Dad too wants to scream Yet he presses on and tries not to be mean To exemplify love and leadership Endear his wife and not demean She to whom he said, "I do" to Lest she degrade and hurt him too For Mom undoubtedly has her own struggles And she needs lots of affection and snuggles As for Dad he is pulled on often To provide this, that, and the other Certainly there are times he feels smothered If he works at home interruptions can bother Yet intrusions don't register when you need your father Kids rush in to speak to dear old dad day and night After all father knows best and can make all wrongs right The pressures of life surely if one's not careful Could drive Dad out of sight Because even the house bond Has his own fight To stay mentally sane In an insane world To be a man of integrity And uphold his word Children hold you to promises As do many demanding wives Some even maneuver and manipulate To get hubby to revolve around their lives.
Be encouraged man of God Heaven sees and does realize Your labor of love is tough Never to be despised Stay the course Don't divorce Don't abandon ship Don't be disheartened By a rebellious kids Who make you livid.
Whenever you feel angry and alone Know for sure you've got a home In heaven up above Where resides the Father of love Who feels and cares deeply About and for all you think of Therefore find a friend in the Father The Father of fathers can nurture Who always understands Never does ridicule or reject On the contrary, He does wholeheartedly Protect, comfort, encourage, and empower Every wear man any day or hour When called upon He is near Every prayer you utter He does hear As you seek Him, He will draw near Slap success on and bless your year Delight in you and call you dear Do away with what you've been going through Embrace, hug, undergird, and uplift you Nourishing and nullifying negativity Replacing anxiety with peaceful tranquility Removing hardness of heart and rigidity Loving and laughing with you On your personal journey to liberty The pursuit of happiness in your life Take time for yourself away from strife Let not others words cut you like a knife Reposition your focus and perception Discern demonic influences Distinguish and wisely make a separation From people and their outside influences Pray fervently and overcome circumstances Break forth into joy, turning sorrow into dance Consider time with God a divine romance You're going to make it husband Don't leave destiny up to chance It's a matter of choice.
Therefore rejoice For a new day has dawned Newness of life has spawned Super Dad is going to bounce back No more will your soul suffer lack Though you had been secretly under attack And you have been catching flak Your heart the enemy had thought to hijack You however are going to fly higher And mount up with wings like an eagle Adjust inner attitudes and be regal Relatable but not deflatable Empowering but not disempowered Sympathetic but not pathetic Resourceful but not prideful Patient but not a pushover Persevering but not impetuous Generous but not delirious Balanced but not bamboozled You're going to gain insight and revelation Transcend, ascend, and make amends Even sometimes father your kids friends Embracing and endearing them Connecting, communicating, and correcting Assuring and facilitating learning Loving, living, and laughing Ecstatically celebrating Each and every moment of the day For father you set the temperature Your pulse and passion paves the way Therefore be courageous and say That which is necessary and prudent House bond be bold and not hesitant.
Therefore impart your heart Deposit your discipline and ideals Instruct with examples, chores, and drills Expect reactions to be far from thrills Yet know once they reach adulthood Your kids will return to see Dad and chill To hug, kiss, and reminisce Therefore lead your family with all diligence For this is your legacy and brilliance Eerily it often feels like evanescence The loss of your own precious life Yet the more of it you give away The more will come back to stay.
These are just some of the roles Some of the emotions That go with being a husband and dad Feelings glad, sad, and mad He-motions often not communicated Not desirous nor even welcomed Nevertheless such thoughts occur Hurt, wound, and sour The loving marital relationship The ability for dad to nourish and equip His kids to succeed in this dog-eat-dog world Sometimes even dad feels devoured Done in by life's circumstances Chances that did not materialize Into personal and professional advances Nevertheless he continues to believe Move by faith and take chances To advance himself and his family To be all he can fully be To do all he can in his power do To say to his family, "I love you.
" Sadly however many times The house bond comes up empty handed Complaining and ingrateful wife and kids Demoralize him, taking from him his will to live Of course their effect on him is often unknown Because bid daddy endures a lot And rarely is it visible or outwardly shown.
Therefore here is an encouraging poem To uplift and help the house bond The happy and unhappy husband To salute the dad who endures a lot And in his own life, feels like he's not got Nevertheless he gives and gives some more Hoping one day that God above will open the door Enabling him to enter and fulfill his own dreams Often are there times when Dad too wants to scream Yet he presses on and tries not to be mean To exemplify love and leadership Endear his wife and not demean She to whom he said, "I do" to Lest she degrade and hurt him too For Mom undoubtedly has her own struggles And she needs lots of affection and snuggles As for Dad he is pulled on often To provide this, that, and the other Certainly there are times he feels smothered If he works at home interruptions can bother Yet intrusions don't register when you need your father Kids rush in to speak to dear old dad day and night After all father knows best and can make all wrongs right The pressures of life surely if one's not careful Could drive Dad out of sight Because even the house bond Has his own fight To stay mentally sane In an insane world To be a man of integrity And uphold his word Children hold you to promises As do many demanding wives Some even maneuver and manipulate To get hubby to revolve around their lives.
Be encouraged man of God Heaven sees and does realize Your labor of love is tough Never to be despised Stay the course Don't divorce Don't abandon ship Don't be disheartened By a rebellious kids Who make you livid.
Whenever you feel angry and alone Know for sure you've got a home In heaven up above Where resides the Father of love Who feels and cares deeply About and for all you think of Therefore find a friend in the Father The Father of fathers can nurture Who always understands Never does ridicule or reject On the contrary, He does wholeheartedly Protect, comfort, encourage, and empower Every wear man any day or hour When called upon He is near Every prayer you utter He does hear As you seek Him, He will draw near Slap success on and bless your year Delight in you and call you dear Do away with what you've been going through Embrace, hug, undergird, and uplift you Nourishing and nullifying negativity Replacing anxiety with peaceful tranquility Removing hardness of heart and rigidity Loving and laughing with you On your personal journey to liberty The pursuit of happiness in your life Take time for yourself away from strife Let not others words cut you like a knife Reposition your focus and perception Discern demonic influences Distinguish and wisely make a separation From people and their outside influences Pray fervently and overcome circumstances Break forth into joy, turning sorrow into dance Consider time with God a divine romance You're going to make it husband Don't leave destiny up to chance It's a matter of choice.
Therefore rejoice For a new day has dawned Newness of life has spawned Super Dad is going to bounce back No more will your soul suffer lack Though you had been secretly under attack And you have been catching flak Your heart the enemy had thought to hijack You however are going to fly higher And mount up with wings like an eagle Adjust inner attitudes and be regal Relatable but not deflatable Empowering but not disempowered Sympathetic but not pathetic Resourceful but not prideful Patient but not a pushover Persevering but not impetuous Generous but not delirious Balanced but not bamboozled You're going to gain insight and revelation Transcend, ascend, and make amends Even sometimes father your kids friends Embracing and endearing them Connecting, communicating, and correcting Assuring and facilitating learning Loving, living, and laughing Ecstatically celebrating Each and every moment of the day For father you set the temperature Your pulse and passion paves the way Therefore be courageous and say That which is necessary and prudent House bond be bold and not hesitant.
Therefore impart your heart Deposit your discipline and ideals Instruct with examples, chores, and drills Expect reactions to be far from thrills Yet know once they reach adulthood Your kids will return to see Dad and chill To hug, kiss, and reminisce Therefore lead your family with all diligence For this is your legacy and brilliance Eerily it often feels like evanescence The loss of your own precious life Yet the more of it you give away The more will come back to stay.