Business & Finance Taxes

Instructions for Filing State Taxes

    Where to File

    • Before you begin to file your taxes, you will have to determine where to file. If you claim residency in a couple of states, if you are an international student or if you have recently moved to a different state, this process may seem confusing. Contacting a local IRS agent or visiting the website of the Internal Revenue Service is a great place to start if you have pressing questions about where to file your taxes. Once you've determined your state of residence, you will need to locate the necessary forms. The IRS has a Forms and Publications section of the website that is set up specifically to help you locate the proper forms you'll need to file in your state of residence.

    Gather Information

    • No matter where you live, specific information will be needed to ensure that your tax return is filed properly. Make sure you have your Social Security card, your filing status and the income from the previous year. All income information will need to be filed on Form 1099. W2 forms from every employer will be required for you to properly file. Any benefits you've accumulated, from disability to insurance to Social Security, will also need to be included. Make sure you know how much you made, including additional income, and what charitable contributions you've made (as these are tax-deductible donations).


    • To file your taxes, you will need to fill out a number of forms required by the state and federal governments. This information can be obtained at courthouses and public libraries. However, these days, it is more common to e-file your tax return. E-filing is an online service that allows you to fill out all the necessary forms online so that you do not need to send in physical copies of your tax information. While not all states participate in the e-file program, those that do are listed on the IRS website. If you would prefer not to file taxes on your own, you can contact a tax filing service to help you with the legwork. As long as you've got all the information in place, these companies will be able to file your taxes for you.

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