Health & Medical Parenting

THERE WAS NO BOGUS TO 1943: My Sweet-Smelling Father

To My Father Yacov Fambsells 

There is, at least as it supposed to be, a need of haste to interpose Jews in Cuba as a treatment process as anything else but race, like African Cubans, Chinese, or Jamaicans, or as the last immigration of Russians in earlier 1970s, in which they have been found to make room to the real but false alarm that all Jews are alike. There is indeed, without other formality, the Jews are familiar frontier pattern of strong individualism since Cuban had taken her independence in 1898 and they are as hard as steel to break.


     Some accounts of Cuban Jews far to the salutary title of isolation and the truly forgiveness; others attempt to explain what would like to be a Cuban with Jewish blood or being a Jew with Cuban blood. It is nothing into it, really; and there is nothing to grasp the uncanny ability to imitate them either. Thinking of it is allowed to bring the tragic failure to see them as a different. Also, there is nothing that provide more shock stories to know who he is or who they are, but the great victory over the terror of being a Jew under Hitler's madness has been expended to negative role; but there is also while all around and above was highlighted by Mr. Castro in 1987 who had been allowed all the Jews from Cuba a free arrow to leave the country or to stay many believe that Jews isn't existed anymore.

     When I began to be aware that I was part of a historical level of Hebrew when Jewish was inside me, I was astonished! I am a Jewish! I am a Cuban Jew! I shouted one day, partly with the idea of heading any pain in frustration and regarded to it as a revolt after so many years. I am still a Cuban Jew, who have treated myself and during twenty-five year I have kept alive the threat of hostilities that some Jews have toward me, especially here in United States.

     It was about 1943. The night that when the SS men with Faces Home-Sweet-Humorous-Smile monsters were knocking on the 73 Scheget..., in Germany, and when one of them cried out suddenly,    "Get out and move to the line! You Jews!"

     My mother thought she had a hallucination, or she thought she was dreaming. She had tried to compose her fear, her delicate health to my brother who was still inside her, but the SS men insisted. So her illusion and the same time, my unborn brother seemed to kill her! Who started kicking and kicking to her by saying, "Don't let those Homiers intimidate you, mother!" But she was certain it was useless when they took her and loaded her body into a strange boat to the high sea. I could feel the push! I could hear the voices! I could touch the waves! I could all of them hungry and the chronic fear that would be the end of this unanswerable question eight years later I would ask her: Why us, Mother! Why our individualism is so filthy and ruin before their eyes! Why under the consideration, the mere fact of termination was just the intervals over the next twelve years in Cuba and then there was the truly vision that there was no escape and that our father with whom we had ever heard, and the whole air of lonely and crucified hope seemed to be full of voices praising to his returned and as it never come true! Why?

     It was not, indeed, until the very last years of the rule of Fulgencio Bastista in Cuba that real and effective step of transformation toward my heritage were taken. Among all the spiritual and ecstasy to see mother's husband alive again. So my mother married and chose this tropical island as a pleased replace of the Jewish leadership to give love and home to her three children and they asked them to forgive her by this dramatic choice of epitaph. In that year of 1959 my mother had given up the last hope of her husband, Yu Fambsell and let it passed into a level of contemplation but stimulation where all the names were exchanged and a new state of inherited spirit had taken over all of us; but it was inconsiderable.  The part was there; the marked path was not falsified or evidence seemed more significant than it apparent in our pain when her second husband passed away; but foundation that something was made of phantom. I began growing up, speaking Español, because there is no hope to return back to Germany or Israel, and no more than an occasion, it was my own mother, Rachel Y. Rambsell, who encouraged us to speak the language of José Martí and to act as a Cuban! Believing that no event of such importance to us as the death of our father could give transpired without some pity of being a Jew and by thousands who were executed, yet my mother was still held that our souls would never change because of it. Also there was no substantial increases in control and appropriations, or realization, but angry, and displeased. Always, time changed; gestures in enlarge print, and admiration that Cuban Jews made up in love in hell.

     In either case, the voice of Jew was there! Inside me! Cuba, too, and years and after years, and after many hours of thinking and the expenditure feeling of considerable nightmare, I found that there are many Cuban Jews of such pain in Cuban soil as well as the United States and anywhere, that had been gripped by the separateness of being mixed, which I found it the most fascinated fairy tale. But I have the wonderful tips of obsolete fulfillment; and there is the bold relief that Mixed Jews are everywhere, and there is the battalion of Essence, and there is then, the discretion in the stillness but unfamiliar circle that we Jews must act together as a solid regiment!

     Then, another hope! My father Yacov Rambsell supposed to be dead in the night he went to gather food, but he was not. He reached us—in Cuba, after many years searching for us, and when my father emerged somewhere in Miami and called his own shout—we cannot believe it! But there were numerous other gestures for me to feel how I feel being a Cuban Jew and have a father next to me, and how I can accept it not as a suggestion of heritage that the claims be submitted alive or living in Cuba or Spain, and a sensitive current what I felt now living in United States and heard him called his "sons", but the drawn of it.

     By 1970, when the last voice of Freedom broke again in Cuba, it was becoming more and more apparition than some change in emotion was impending and was taken shaped. In the same year in Cuba the face of my father emerged as a possibility of recinto enclosure, and I have to setup myself to admit he was the great being a Cuban Jew, a Jew or both, but all that could have known them was the power and the persistent of myself toward my mother, her happiness. It was in this notion, I understand Jews have class and power, and most important, the faiths of acceptation, that make to me write this piece of course.

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