When you join the network marketing company ACN, the thought of becoming financially independent has probably been a big reason for doing it. You want to succeed, and you want to do it right! So, where should you go to learn what to do? The network marketing company is an obvious answer, because they should, of all people, know what it takes to succeed in this business, right? So you listen to what the company and your upline is saying. You make a list f all the people you know, you hand out business cards, bring people to hotel meetings and all that stuff.
So, what is the biggest mistake you can make when joining ACN? The biggest mistake you can make is going into this industry, thinking that it's going to be easy! And that is exactly what the company tells you - work your warm market, talk to friends and family and you will become successful in no time. Most go into ACN with the belief that it will be easy to become financially independent, but the failure rate in this industry is 95 % and that is NOT because that many people are lazy and don't do anything. THEY fail because they joined ACN and did everything they told them to do, because they were told that they would succeed this way!
Now, I'm NOT saying that you can't succeed with ACN - after all the failure rate isn't 100 %. But to become successful you have to avoid making the mistake of doing everything the company tells you - it obviously doesn't work, so STOP doing it. Also, don't go into this, thinking that it will be easy to become successful. It is NEVER easy to achieve success and that goes for ACN as well.
So what is it that those 5 % who succeed does? First of all, they KNOW that they have to take the time to do this right - there is NO easy way. Then they find ways to do it right - meaning, they find a way that have been proven to work MANY times, a bullet proof system that will guarantee success. And finally they learn how to become great marketers, they learn how to grow their business and they put effort into growing their business - THAT is why they succeed!
Now you have to ask yourself if you are ready to do things the right way - because if you STILL think that you can succeed by doing what the company tells you and that it will be easy, you will end up wasting your time. If you want to do it - do it! And do it right!
So, what is the biggest mistake you can make when joining ACN? The biggest mistake you can make is going into this industry, thinking that it's going to be easy! And that is exactly what the company tells you - work your warm market, talk to friends and family and you will become successful in no time. Most go into ACN with the belief that it will be easy to become financially independent, but the failure rate in this industry is 95 % and that is NOT because that many people are lazy and don't do anything. THEY fail because they joined ACN and did everything they told them to do, because they were told that they would succeed this way!
Now, I'm NOT saying that you can't succeed with ACN - after all the failure rate isn't 100 %. But to become successful you have to avoid making the mistake of doing everything the company tells you - it obviously doesn't work, so STOP doing it. Also, don't go into this, thinking that it will be easy to become successful. It is NEVER easy to achieve success and that goes for ACN as well.
So what is it that those 5 % who succeed does? First of all, they KNOW that they have to take the time to do this right - there is NO easy way. Then they find ways to do it right - meaning, they find a way that have been proven to work MANY times, a bullet proof system that will guarantee success. And finally they learn how to become great marketers, they learn how to grow their business and they put effort into growing their business - THAT is why they succeed!
Now you have to ask yourself if you are ready to do things the right way - because if you STILL think that you can succeed by doing what the company tells you and that it will be easy, you will end up wasting your time. If you want to do it - do it! And do it right!