If you're anything like me, the idea of your competition swooping in and getting deals away from your prospective clients is one of the worst parts of running your own business- be it the real estate investing business or any other business you're involved in.
For the consumer, competition is a great thing- it causes companies to work harder, price their products more fairly, and try to create a better product than the competition.
However, if you're the one trying to market and sell products, the competition can force you to work so hard, and whittle your profit margin so low, that eventually it's no longer worth your time to do business.
Luckily for us, the mortgage foreclosure/tax property investing business works a little differently than other businesses.
The competition is still alive and kicking, but in many cases it's not a threat to us, and can even help us in the long run.
No one is offering quite the same "product" as you are in this business.
Yes, we're all trying to get ahold of owners before their homes are permanently lost, and there are only so many of them.
We may even end up calling the same owners about the same properties.
However, each of us has a different approach, a different personality, and a different strategy for getting an owner to sell to us.
Certain owners will "click" with you, while others "click" with your competition.
Since whether an owner likes you, or trusts you, is arguably the most important factor in whether you will sign them up, personality is a huge variable that will allow almost anyone who makes a good faith attempt at it, to be successful in this business.
Following along the same vein, having competition actually helps build trust with potential prospects.
They may not trust the first person who calls them.
They may decide to try to sell the property themselves.
They may just be suspicious, and take a few weeks to get used to the idea that they're really losing their home, and then wham! You call them at the right time, and get the deal.
Luck, timing, and personality play a huge role in this business.
If that's not enough to convince you to stop viewing your competition as a threat, how about this? According to Wikipedia, the United States is comprised of 3,140 counties, or about 62 average per state.
Each of those counties has properties for you to buy, and new tax delinquencies/foreclosures are being created every month.
There are millions upon millions of dollars waiting for you, and in the current economic climate, foreclosures are being created even more rapidly.
There's more than enough cash to go around in the real estate investing business.
The sooner you begin to see your competition for the blessing that it is, the sooner you can focus all your energy on finding properties and connecting with the owners, and enjoying the fruits of your labor! And if it's still difficult for you to see the positives of competition, then allow it affect you positively by getting out of bed a little earlier, working a little later and harder, and being a little more persistent than you might have been without it.
For the consumer, competition is a great thing- it causes companies to work harder, price their products more fairly, and try to create a better product than the competition.
However, if you're the one trying to market and sell products, the competition can force you to work so hard, and whittle your profit margin so low, that eventually it's no longer worth your time to do business.
Luckily for us, the mortgage foreclosure/tax property investing business works a little differently than other businesses.
The competition is still alive and kicking, but in many cases it's not a threat to us, and can even help us in the long run.
No one is offering quite the same "product" as you are in this business.
Yes, we're all trying to get ahold of owners before their homes are permanently lost, and there are only so many of them.
We may even end up calling the same owners about the same properties.
However, each of us has a different approach, a different personality, and a different strategy for getting an owner to sell to us.
Certain owners will "click" with you, while others "click" with your competition.
Since whether an owner likes you, or trusts you, is arguably the most important factor in whether you will sign them up, personality is a huge variable that will allow almost anyone who makes a good faith attempt at it, to be successful in this business.
Following along the same vein, having competition actually helps build trust with potential prospects.
They may not trust the first person who calls them.
They may decide to try to sell the property themselves.
They may just be suspicious, and take a few weeks to get used to the idea that they're really losing their home, and then wham! You call them at the right time, and get the deal.
Luck, timing, and personality play a huge role in this business.
If that's not enough to convince you to stop viewing your competition as a threat, how about this? According to Wikipedia, the United States is comprised of 3,140 counties, or about 62 average per state.
Each of those counties has properties for you to buy, and new tax delinquencies/foreclosures are being created every month.
There are millions upon millions of dollars waiting for you, and in the current economic climate, foreclosures are being created even more rapidly.
There's more than enough cash to go around in the real estate investing business.
The sooner you begin to see your competition for the blessing that it is, the sooner you can focus all your energy on finding properties and connecting with the owners, and enjoying the fruits of your labor! And if it's still difficult for you to see the positives of competition, then allow it affect you positively by getting out of bed a little earlier, working a little later and harder, and being a little more persistent than you might have been without it.