Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Network Marketing --The Concept is Sound

MLM or Network Marketing, despite its inherent weaknesses and 'bad Apples' IS a good means to get started in an online business.
The concept of Multi-Layered-Marketing is a sound one -- the idea that my monthly fee benefits someone else and someone else's monthly fee benefits me and so on.
And, (theoretically) some work and effort now will continue to benefit me in the future...
The products involved in MLM are usually TOTALLY secondary to the prime goal of making money.
Yes the juice might taste great and be beneficial, but let's be honest, it wouldn't sell half as well without the matrixes and 'downlines' etc adding to the potential commissions for selling it.
In the introduction I mentioned the 'inherent' weaknesses of MLM -- actually there is only one!...
Human nature! It's human to want more than we need (in any facet of life) and unfortunately that brings about one of the 'deadly sins' -- Greed! To most people their greed is something that is controlled.
Yes, some of us do succumb to temptation occasionally and we put on our plates more than we can actually eat, and maybe some of us are prone at times to a little exaggeration to make something sound more appealing than it probably is to gain a higher value for it.
But in the main most people do not resort to cheating, lying and stealing to satisfy their greed.
(Many people do though unfortunately -- but I believe these people will get their comeuppance eventually!).
It is human nature for us to be attracted by an ad.
or sales letter that claims we can make $10,000.
00 per month by doing very little work -- more--than one that suggests we may be able to earn $500.
00 if we put in some effort.
Even though really we KNOW you cannot get $10,000.
00 a month for very little work (otherwise EVERY sane person on the planet would be doing it!) Of course as an individual I cannot do anything about all the sales ads and letters giving false hope and therefore giving MLM a bad name -- but through this article I will tell you that being in an MLM business requires work and lots of it -- and if you do work hard enough to achieve a 10 grand per month income -- it will take more than a few weeks.
I really do wish that the TRUTH could be told (that is the 'truth' based on what is commonly achieved by ordinary (not lazy) people rather than the rare go-getter committed and talented individuals) in ALL Internet advertising.
If you are lead to believe that your income could be $10,000.
00 per month by referring only 3 people in an MLM business (I have seen this!) and you get your 3 people -- but they do nothing and your income does not even cover the monthly fees you have to pay -- how long are you going to stay, not only, with that company but in an MLM at all? And then you will no doubt join all the other doubters, critics and 'bad-mouthers' of MLM Therefore the very ad sales letter that was designed to attract you into the business has actually had the effect of turning you against it...
crazy! As I have said MLM IS a good business concept -- but treat it as a means to an end.
Use an MLM business to primarily gain marketing experience knowledge (and hopefully some start-up capital for your future business) DO NOT join on the basis of the hype that you will earn an easy fortune! -Sometimes you even get a good product for your money as well...
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