Business & Finance Business News

Hamas Started Fight This Time But Protestors Too Deaf, Dumb And Blind To Care

Last week the volatile cease-fire truce between Israel and Hamas came to an end and Hamas wasted no time in getting back to lobbing rockets into Israel. Sure the argument can be made that the rockets were being fired into small populated villages, but at the end of the day it was Hamas that started the latest conflict, and now there are people protesting around the world that Israel is being the aggressor. That is freaking hilarious don't you think?

I agree that Israel should use diplomatic channels to fix whatever the problem is between them and the violent little pricks in Gaza, but that path has been taken many, many times before and as far as I'm concerned it's time for the conflict to come to an end once and for all and if that means that Israel has to open up on Gaza, then so be it. They have a right to defend themselves against such aggression as does any other country, and for anybody to be pointing the finger of blame at Israel for the surge in military offensives that have been leading off the nightly news for the past few days now is absolutely absurd and a whole lot of bullshit.

Let's be real, anybody who thinks that Hamas isn't to blame for this latest conflict is either sleeping under a rock, or they are deaf, dumb and blind to the news reports and video footage that clearly shows that immediately of the three month ceasefire ended, Hamas went on the offensive. Protesters need to get a grip and face the reality that if it wasn't for Hamas' aggressiveness towards Israel when the ceasefire ended, Israel wouldn't be taking the fight to Hamas militants, who by the way are nothing more than thugs who are taking knives to a gunfight as far as I'm concerned. They don't have the military might to take on the Israeli army and they know it, yet they are willing to put the lives of innocent civilians at risk by using them as human shields. Think about they are hiding rocket launchers amongst civilians, civilians who don't have a say when it comes to the Hamas offensive. And protesters around the world are blaming Israel. Get effin' real.

One other thing, if an all out war breaks out in the Middle East because of this latest conflict between Hamas and Israel, the blame for the devastating consequences, including human suffering and carnage will rest solely on the shoulders of Hamas who by the way could care less about diplomacy and peaceful compromise and negotiations.

Hamas hasn't been labelled a terrorist organization for nothing you know.

Blaming Israel for taking the fight to Hamas in the Gaza Strip is as stupid as blaming the U.S. for the 9/11 terrorist attack. People need to get real, smarten up a lot, and put the effin' guns, rockets and tanks away. And those nations that can't, should as the Iranian President once said put it about Israel be wiped off the map.

Shut Hamas up once and for all and forever, and I'm sure life would be much easier for those living in Gaza. It isn't rocket science; it's just plain common sense.

By the way, threatening to send suicide bombers back into Israel because Israel reacted to the aggressiveness of Hamas' actions doesn't help their cause against the Israelis, in fact the morons leading Hamas are just adding fuel to the fire they started last week.

Palestinians need to get their shit together and understand that if it wasn't for Hamas, life would be much better for them in Gaza; but hey what do I know, I'm not a deaf, dumb and blind protester.
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