Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Choosing Valued Promotional Items

The right free product not only focuses consumers' attention on the brand, but links that business with the merchandise that bears its logo. Associate your business with quality values and dependability by choosing quality promotional items.

Quality costs more, but there are ways to defray any increased charge that better promotional merchandise incur. Look for merchandise that contain no expiration date. Pens, mugs, and notepads are excellent choices to bear a business imprint as they remain useful for months or even years. By using durable freebies with no time-sensitive element as promotional products, you eliminate the possibility of over-buying.

It's better to select a smaller number of high-quality items than large amounts of cheaper goods. Not only will quality merchandise draw parallels between the business name and the utility of the product, but the "good stuff" will get more use. Everyone prefers a pen that feels comfortable and writes smoothly; if that pen shows the
name of your enterprise, your logo gains exposure every time a potential customer reaches for that favorite pen.

Specialty merchandise that mesh with a venture's purpose or gift are especially important to choose with care. If a organization purports to offer luxury, safety, or innovation, the items bearing its name should likewise feel luxurious, safe, or innovative. A software company that distributes custom USB flash drives or a paper manufacturer that gives out notepads must ensure that those promotional products match with the company's standards. Most suppliers of free gifts offer free samples; take them up on their offer and put the products through their paces before deciding to buy.

Check the quality of the printing as well. Print should be crisp and legible; logos should be true to color and scale well. Manufacturers of free merchandise offer a range of placements and colors, but these options increase costs. Scale back ideas, not quality. Consider imprinting the company's logo on only one surface of an item instead of in multiple places; an insulated travel cup bearing two brands is not significantly better at increasing consumer awareness than one with a single logo.

Another means of keeping costs within budget is picking gifts in one color of the venture name and printing in a secondary color rather than opting for more pricey two-color printing. Whether you select an online freebie materials supplier or decide on a brick and mortar option, the right supplier will help you with the details of creating or refining text and names.
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